Selangor’s final countdown (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)


Once HRH is satisfied that Khalid has indeed lost the support of the majority, he could request Khalid’s resignation. However, Khalid can in turn request HRH to consent to new state elections by dissolving the state assembly. That means Selangorians would be going to the polls around October or so.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

The events in Selangor are rapidly changing. Yesterday it was one thing and today another. One side can be winning the fight in the morning and lose it again in the evening. That is how fast things are moving.

But the final whistle has not been blown yet and until it is it would be very difficult to declare a winner. However, as it stands now, it appears like the Anwar Ibrahim team has got its 30 signatures to prove that Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim no longer has majority support in the Selangor state assembly.

It was only 28 versus 28 yesterday. But today, with the two PAS state representatives breaking ranks with their party, the 28 have increased to 30. So now it is 30 versus 26, unless the balance 13 from PAS also swing over to Anwar. Then it would be a clear 43 versus 13 and Khalid loses.

At the end of the day it is a numbers’ game and the latest result of this numbers’ game seems to be in favour of Anwar Ibrahim.

It looks like this is the final lap of the race, or maybe more appropriately the final countdown for Selangor. Khalid’s only hope was for the 15 PAS state reps to toe the party line and not break ranks. But after his meeting with PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang on Monday, Anwar knew that PAS would not back down from its stand so why the need to wait for the Sunday meeting?

Hence the two PAS state reps decided to pre-empt the Sunday meeting and make their move today. Maybe once PAS sees it has lost it might decide on Sunday to do the ‘noble’ thing — support the winner by supporting the move to oust Khalid and replace him with Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

In politics it is always wise to change sides and support the winner when the going gets tough. As the saying goes — when the going gets tough, change sides (or is it ‘when the going gets tough the tough get going’).

Anyway, it is now no longer about what Khalid is going to do. It is more about what PAS is going to do this Sunday. If PAS sticks to its guns then it might as well consider leaving Pakatan Rakyat or else it is either going to get kicked out or the Chinese are going to punish the party come the next general election.

The Chinese have made it very clear that PAS would never become a national party without Chinese support. Without the Chinese vote PAS would be merely a regional party in the Malay heartland. Hence PAS has to accommodate Chinese wishes and the removal of Khalid is one such wish amongst a half dozen or so others (such as Bibles using Allah must be permitted).

Statistics have proven that PAS cannot succeed in states such as Selangor, Perak and so on that have an almost balanced Malay-non-Malay population. Since Merdeka, PAS has been successful in areas where the Malays make up 80% or more of the voting population. Once it goes below 80%, or worse still, 60%, PAS has little chance of winning that seat — unless they get Chinese votes.

Chinese parties like DAP do not need 80% Chinese voters to win. PAS, however, cannot get away with that. It needs 80% Malay voters to win. That is the reality of the situation and history has proven this. This is because the Chinese are solidly (around 80-85%) behind DAP while the Malays are split 50-50 between PAS and Umno. That is the reason why this is so.

Dr Wan Azizah has written officially to seek an audience with His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor to present the 30 signatures as proof that Khalid has lost the support of the majority in the Selangor state assembly. This may only be possible towards the end of this month because HRH is currently not in Malaysia.

And if HRH accepts this as proof that Khalid has lost the support of the majority in the state assembly then the Menteri Besar has only two weeks left to serve, depending on what HRH decides to do.

HRH can either accept those 30 signatures as proof or he can ask Dr Wan Azizah to pass a vote of no confidence in the next state assembly sitting in November. Alternatively, HRH can summon these 30 one-by-one to personally ask them their stand. This can be done at the end of this month when the Sultan is back in the country.

Once HRH is satisfied that Khalid has indeed lost the support of the majority, he could request Khalid’s resignation. However, Khalid can in turn request HRH to consent to new state elections by dissolving the state assembly. That means Selangorians would be going to the polls around October or so.

I see the greatest loser in this latest development as PAS rather than Khalid. Khalid was going to exit politics and retire anyway at the end of his term, most likely in three years or so from now. So all it means is he would be retiring three years ahead of his planned retirement.

For PAS, however, the damage done is much greater. It would have to forget its aspiration of being part of the federal government if Pakatan Rakyat ever takes Putrajaya.

The biggest winner of all would be Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah. He would now see SPLASH being re-valued from RM250 million to RM2.5 billion.

Anwar Ibrahim supports this figure. Abdul Wahid Omar, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in-charge of the Economic Planning Unit, also supports this RM2.5 billion valuation. Hence, with support from both the federal government and Anwar Ibrahim, Wan Azmi is going to get the RM2.5 billion that he is asking for.

Anwar Ibrahim Wahid Omar

Anwar Ibrahim and Abdul Wahid Omar both agree that SPLASH should get RM2.5 billion




原文:Raja Petra Kamarudin

Translated by: Ngew Kok Yew


然而,终场的吹哨还没吹起,因此我们不能判断谁人才是最后的赢家。不过,从目前的情况上来看,安华(Anwar Ibrahim)的团队似乎成功用30位州议员的签名来证明他们在雪兰莪州议会上取得多数的支持。

昨天仍是28比28。今天却有两位回教党的代表打乱了该党的计划,这让安华一方从28位增至30位。如今是30比26,除非所有13位回教党代表倾向安华,那么这将会是43比13,毫无疑问卡立(Khalid Ibrahim)输了。


看来这将会是竞赛的最后一圈,正确来说更像是雪兰莪的最后倒数。卡立之前的唯一希望是所有的回教党代表遵从该党的指示和不搅乱计划。可是只从安华在星期一与回教党主席哈迪阿旺(Abdul Hadi Awang)会面后,他清楚知道回教党不会收回之前的声明,那么星期日的会议将不复重要。







旺阿兹莎(Dr Wang Azizah)已经正式写进要求觐见雪兰莪苏丹殿下以便呈现30个能够证明卡立已失去州议会多数支持的签名。这恐怕必须拖延至月尾因为殿下如今不再国内。






最大的受益人非旺阿兹米(Wan Azmi Wan Hamzah)莫属。他如今能够看到SPLASH从2.5亿令吉被从新估价至25亿令吉。

安华支持该数据。阿都瓦希得奥马尔(Abdul Wahid Omar),于首相署里负责经济计划的部长也同样支持该25亿令吉的估价。因此,有着双方来自联邦政府和安华的支持,旺阿兹米所要的25亿令吉将会垂手可得。

