Letter to Aduns against YAB Tan Sri Dato Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim


You rather support a medical doctor with no relevant experience to become the next MB 

A Malaysian citizen and Selangor resident


I refer to the recent reports in various Malaysian media outlets where you were quoted as allegedly saying that YAB Tan Sri Dato Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim (“TSK”) should “gracefully” relinquish his post and that he has lost the political “legitimacy” to retain the position.

I think the above in fact appropriately describes all the rest of you in Pakatan. All the Selangor ADUNS from DAP and Pakatan should gracefully resign so that fresh elections can be called. We will then see whether the people really think all of you still have political legitimacy to continue.

I wish to convey my utmost disappointment and disgust with the way PKR and DAP have treated TSK. I thought Pakatan stood for justice, transparency, righteousness, etc and the people in Pakatan were sincere about developing this country and were also different from BN. But now it looks like all you politicians are just the same. I am really sorry to say this but I just consider all of you to be a bunch of hypocrites and sycophants.

I just cannot understand how greedy people can become to the point that, just to further your political career, you are willing to be DSAI’s lackeys. You rather support a medical doctor with no relevant experience to become the next MB rather than someone like TSK who has extensive management experience and proven himself – the most obvious accomplishment is that Selangor’s reserves have increased from RM600m to RM3b during TSK’s tenure. I know you will say that is probably due to the collective effort of Pakatan but even then it cannot be refuted that the man on top is important. Put it another way, are you seriously going to tell me that the accomplishments in Penang are not substantially due to Lim Guan Eng’s efforts?

Whatever TSK’s shortcomings may be (note that I am not saying he is perfect), we all know the real reason why DSAI wants to throw out TSK. The people are not stupid.

I can’t believe that 15 years ago I was so disgusted with the way DSAI was treated by TDM that I boycotted government events and stopped supporting BN. In hindsight, DSAI obviously doesn’t deserve any sympathy. DSAI is just like all you other politicians. I acknowledge politics is a dirty game but what DSAI is trying to do to TSK crosses a certain boundary I thought PKR would have the decency to not cross. After going through Sodomy I and II, I also thought DSAI would appreciate and realise the true meaning of justice and the right to a fair trial – but obviously he has not judging by the way he has treated TSK

Anyway, whether you believe in god or not, there is a god and we all have to pay for our actions. May god have mercy on all of you who have betrayed TSK.

Yours faithfully,

A Malaysian citizen and Selangor resident

