The sword of Damocles


I don’t understand why they are all so headstrong. Why PKR/DAP has insisted on Kak Wan and why PAS has uncompromisingly rejected her. Is this really that important after all?

Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily

WHATEVER THE DECISION is, it appears that there is no way for Khalid Ibrahim to evade the fate of being forsaken.

Khalid might as well be in the “past tense” no matter how tough he could be. His days as Selangor menteri besar are seriously numbered.

The moment he axed the six exco members from PKR and DAP, he was putting his own career life to an end, although there was some legitimacy to his MB post prior to that, and his relatively weak posture won him a lot of compassion.

But, once he waved the sword of Damocles towards his rivals, he had himself slashed as well.

Khalid exercised his power to get rid of his opponents, turning him from the role of a victim to one of victimizer. They sympathy he won from the public has now become a common abhorrence.

He has failed to see the close relationship between power and risk, and has destroyed his own career having abused the power entrusted to him.

This gives both PKR and DAP more valid reasons to demonize him as die-hard Pakatan fans loathe him and PAS trying to keep a distance from him. Even middle voters are shunning him now.

There are some constitutional limitations to the Sultan’ s support for him, and there is no way Khalid can hide behind this limited space for too long. Somehow he has to face the music, earliest by end of this month and latest by November.

If PAS exco members resign en masse, it will mean a total collapse of the Khalid administration. Fresh state election must then be called.

Some are of the opinion that Khalid may appoint Umno reps into his team in order to go on his stint as MB. But it is unlikely for Umno to jump into this sinking ship of Khalid.

Umno has its own plans, and will never be so dumb as to bind itself to Khalid and sink with him just for the sake of a few months’ of power sharing.

In the end, whether Khalid’s team completely collapses in very near future or drags on until a no-confidence motion tabled against him in November, it is inevitable that the state assembly will be dissolved and fresh election is called.

The sword of Damocles has not only wounded Khalid himself but also the entire Pakatan Rakyat. Who next after Khalid?

AND THE QUESTION now is not about Khalid Ibrahim but Kak Wan.

