Dr Mahathir withdraws support for Najib government

Dr Mahathir

(The Malaysian Insider) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today lashed out at Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration, saying he was withdrawing his support for Najib as his criticism had fallen on deaf ears.

“I have tried to give my views to him directly, which are also the views of many people who have met me,” wrote Dr Mahathir today on his popular blog, chedet.cc.

“I have no choice but to withdraw my support. This has not been effective so I have to criticise,” he said, adding that Najib was no better than his predecessor, Tun Abdullah Badawi.

Dr Mahathir said he had hoped Najib learnt lessons from his poor performance in the last general election but it appeared that he had not.

“Many policies, approaches and actions taken by the government under Najib have destroyed interracial ties, the economy and the country’s finances,” he added.

The country’s longest serving prime minister said if no one else wished to speak out against the administration, he would take it upon himself to criticise Najib, even if it meant opening himself up to abuse.

He added that he had similarly reproached Abdullah as well as Malaysia’s first prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman.

“It is not because I do not love my leaders. But I love my people and country more,” he wrote in his blog.

Dr Mahathir said Najib’s slide began when the latter listened to his “enemies’ demands” and abolished the Internal Security Act in 2011 and the Restrictive Residents Act, which allowed the government to detain anyone including suspected criminals without trial.

“These actions did not reduce opposition from the other side. Instead, crime increased because many gang leaders were released,” said the former prime minister, an active proponent of the security laws that allowed detention without trial.

He added that Najib’s “humble” attitude towards neighbouring countries had left Malaysia’s domestic affairs subject to their views.

“But the views of the race and the party, which had all this while supported and saved the government, are not given fair treatment,” he said obliquely referring to Umno.

Dr Mahathir also took Najib to task for using the government’s money to gain support from the people each time there was an election.

“The people’s spirit to work fades away when they are rewarded without making any effort. This will not help in developing the country,” he wrote.


