Official: There is no good people in Pakatan


Just when I thought PAS would uphold justice and truth, just when I thought I should open my heart and be “husnuzon” (having good faith) to PAS, they failed in this integrity test given by Allah to simply do the right thing.
Jeg Hui
Actually this is what I initially thought, that they would betray Abdul Khalid (to uphold justice and truth) for Pakatan Rakyat, but I shrugged it off, thinking in unity, we should apply husnuzon. Clearly I should have trusted my instinct, rather than hope from the very people I condemned, thinking Muslim unity in Malaysia would finally be materialised.
Their excuse? For the sake of Pakatan Rakyat. Abdul Khalid is no longer relevant to Pakatan Rakyat because he is no longer with Pakatan Rakyat. He is no longer the concern of PAS.
They did not ask why Abdul Khalid was sacked? Or if it was really justified that he was sacked? Those allegations, I swear on my grandfather’s grave will be swept under the carpet even by the very people who accused Khalid of doing, since he no longer has the support of the majority of the ADUNs – he is doomed as Menteri Besar Selangor.
Ethical politics, as I would like to call it, is still a long way to go. Don’t give me anymore of that Reformashit, or Bershit or PAShit even. Those are just mere lies to allure some of us marhaen idiots, who would not even believe both Mustafa Ali and Anwar Ibrahim were caught in indecent acts in extramarital affairs. Even with evidence! Why is this important? Well, if they could cheat on their wife, they could cheat on us rakyat too. Ask Abdul Khalid. He knows this now.
