PKR did not want to field Khalid in GE13, says PAS lawmaker


“However, PAS leaders disagreed with PKR because without Khalid, the people of Selangor would start speculating over who would become the state menteri besar. It might even cause Pakatan Rakyat to lose Malaysia’s wealthiest state because the voters would be worried that a PAS or DAP candidate might lead Selangor.”

Lee Shi-Ian, The Malaysian Insider

Despite his track record administering Selangor, PKR did not want to field Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim in the last general election, a PAS lawmaker told a forum last night.

Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad said PAS had not agreed as it feared the impact the decision would have on the polls outcome.

“Prior to the 13th general election, PKR had informed PAS that it did not want Khalid to contest any state assembly seats,” Khalid Samad told the forum last night.

“However, PAS leaders disagreed with PKR because without Khalid, the people of Selangor would start speculating over who would become the state menteri besar.

“It might even cause Pakatan Rakyat to lose Malaysia’s wealthiest state because the voters would be worried that a PAS or DAP candidate might lead Selangor.”

Khalid Samad said based on this line of reasoning, PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim agreed to field Abdul Khalid as a state assembly candidate.

“Anwar even showed his positive side by purposely choosing a winnable seat for Abdul Khalid, the Port Klang seat,” Khalid Samad said.

The forum entitled “Selangor Crisis: Why has PAS been alienated?” was held at the Selangor-Kuala Lumpur Chinese Assembly Hall.

After the 13th general election, though, Abdul Khalid apparently changed as he went back on his word on an agreement to establish a steering committee to discuss policy matters.

“Before the general elections, Abdul Khalid had agreed to form a steering committee comprised of three representatives each from PAS, PKR and DAP.

“The purpose of the steering committee was to discuss policy issues in Selangor at least once a week or once every two weeks,” Khalid Samad said.

After being sworn in as menteri besar for a second term, Abdul Khalid complained that he was the only state leader lumbered with a steering committee, adding that the Pakatan Rakyat-led governments in Penang and Kelantan had no steering committees.

“Despite his protestations, PAS decided to give Abdul Khalid a year to prove himself,” Khalid Samad told a packed auditorium last night.

“Abdul Khalid was very skilled in corporate politics, he gave PAS ‘special’ treatment after PKR began pushing for his resignation.”


