Anwar must have bought off Mahathir


Hence Khalid was allowed a fair trial and was given the chance to prove his innocence. SELCAT need not prove his guilt. Khalid must prove his innocence, contrary to how the normal justice system works. And Khalid failed to prove he did not make any deals although SELCAT did not prove that he did.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is taking pot shots at Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. Malay supremacist movement ISMA says Mahathir has every right to criticise Najib. Mahathir says his criticism against Najib is not meant for him to step down as Prime Minister.

I find that hard to believe. Ask the opposition supporters and they will swear on whatever holy book they happen to believe in that if someone criticises his or her own party leader then it can only be because he/she has been bought off by the other side, has done a U-turn, is a turncoat, etc.

I mean I have personally heard opposition supporters say that many times. The comments in Malaysia Today alone are proof of this. If you criticise your own party leader then it can only be because you have been bought off by the other side, have done a U-turn, are a turncoat, etc.

Therefore I can safely assume that Anwar Ibrahim has bought off Mahathir and that is why he is now attacking Najib. There can be no other reason or explanation, as opposition supporters will swear. If not no way Mahathir would attack Najib.

If you ask those from PAS, they will say that Mahathir is just being a good Muslim by practicing amar makruf nahi munkar, mandatory for all Muslims. Others will say Allah made Mahathir criticise Najib because Allah wants to save Malaysia.

If you ask those from DAP, they will say that only government leaders can be criticised. Opposition party leaders must never be criticised. And if you do criticise your own party leader you will be punished, as many ex-DAP leaders and members have now discovered.

Malaysians appear very confused about the concept of democracy and freedom of speech. They think that democracy and freedom of speech means you are free to say what you like. That is not how democracy and freedom of speech works.

Democracy and freedom of speech means you have the right to whack your opponent. But you must never whack your own side never mind how wrong your own side may be.

It is like football. You are supposed to kick the ball into the other side’s goal. You must never kick the ball into your own goal. That is how democracy and freedom of speech works. Never whack your own side. And God help you if you do.

If you do not like what is happening in your own party or you disagree with what your party leaders do just quietly leave the party and not say a word. If someone asks you why you resigned from the party, reply that you resigned for health reasons. If you are asked whether you resigned because of a disagreement, lie. Deny that there are any problems between you and certain leaders in the party.

If you are asked to resign from your party or from a certain position in the party, do not challenge that order. Resign immediately and sing praises about the party when anyone asks you what happened.

If you refuse to resign when asked to do so then do not get upset or sad when they expose all your wrongdoings even though all these so-called wrongdoings are lies and fabrications. It is, after all, your fault for not leaving when asked to do so. So don’t blame others.

Do not sue your party or take it to court. Under the party constitution, that is not allowed. Court action is only allowed for non-party matters. Party matters cannot be settled in court. Under the party constitution, if you take court action against your party, you will automatically be sacked and the court will throw your case out.

The party has its own court and its own justice system. For example, in Selangor we have SELCAT. This is the court that will hear and try wrongdoings, such as those allegedly committed by Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim.

Khalid is being removed because of certain wrongdoings. SELCAT sat and listened to all the evidence against Khalid and after looking at this most damaging and indisputable evidence decided that Khalid had, in fact, committed wrongdoings.

Hence Khalid was allowed a fair trial and was given the chance to prove his innocence. SELCAT need not prove his guilt. Khalid must prove his innocence, contrary to how the normal justice system works. And Khalid failed to prove he did not make any deals although SELCAT did not prove that he did.

Once SELCAT has seen all the evidence, and because Khalid failed to prove his innocence, the party Disciplinary Board then takes over and holds another hearing. Khalid is then given three days to reply to the charges against him and if he, again, fails to prove his innocence, then he is sacked from the party.

The party Disciplinary Board will not allow a postponement or time for you to prepare your defence. This is not a sodomy trial where you can postpone the trial 75 times and drag on the case for years. You have just three days and if in three days you fail to prove your innocence you are finished.

Many Malaysians may not understand how the system works and hence the reason for all those out of point comments. I hope with this short explanation you now understand how everything works.

