Beware of Pas’ politics of adventurism


Tunku Abdul Aziz

PAS leaders, in withdrawing their support for Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, the beleaguered menteri besar of Selangor, have committed more than a contemptible volte-face: It is a sordid betrayal by a party that poses as the defender and repository of Islamic values of integrity, honour and justice.

Let me remind my co-religionists and all Malaysians that what they are seeing is not the teachings of the Quran: It is the work of people who have long abused their religion to promote their political ambitions and are prepared to traffic with any party of whatever political bent.

I have never made a secret of my abhorrence and distaste for their brand of politics, with its evil concoction of pseudo-religious orthodoxy grounded in undisguised worldly opportunism. Surely, it can have no place in secular Malaysia.

When I saw on television Mohamad Sabu reading the unholy announcement abandoning Khalid to the jackals, it dawned on me that perhaps this was God’s mysterious intervention to expose the truth about the party and its leaders. If this latest act of duplicity does not teach us anything about Pas’ politics of adventurism, then we will be putting the future of our nation at considerable risk.

For the sake of a united Malaysia, we cannot allow a religion-based political party that is causing unnecessary fear and apprehension among Malaysians to preach its sermon of hate and darkness. The party has to decide what it wants to be, a political organisation or a Muslim missionary society because it cannot be both.

It now operates under false pretences, and with its shrill campaign for a Muslim state, it is splitting the nation down the middle, a situation to be avoided at all costs as we strive to find our true destiny and identity as a nation.

We must not let Pas or anyone frustrate that national goal. Let all men and women of goodwill beware.

