Blame Allah for the Selangor MB Crisis


Talking about the 28th, the Chinese-owned news portals such as Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider, Malaysia Chronicle, and many more, have already started the Sultan-bashing orgy. The comments by readers plus postings in the social media are also the same.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

PAS leader Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad said that Allah made the two PAS state assemblymen defy their own party by joining the 28 DAP and PKR representatives in pledging support for Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail because Allah wanted to save Selangor.

That is actually a most interesting prognosis and I must confess I did not see it that way. I suppose I have forgotten my religious class lessons where we learned that nothing happens, either good or bad, unless Allah wills it.

I am glad that Dr Dzul reminded us because I have to admit that since I have been staying here in the UK these last five years I have been missing those religious sermons that I used to attend quite frequently when I was back in Malaysia.

I remember now Tok Guru Abdul Rahman Petani telling me that we can only plan but Allah decides. Hence we have to accept whatever happens, both good and bad. And that is why Muslims are forbidden from wailing during funerals because death is Allah’s will.

Hence good Muslims must accept death and not be upset because by being upset this would mean we are upset with Allah. And is not life and death Allah’s will after all? And should we be upset with Allah when Allah has every right to take the life that Allah has given us? We are, after all, Allah’s creation, so Allah has every right to do with us as Allah pleases.

Now that explains why Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim refused to resign even when ordered to do so by his party. Allah must have made him refuse to resign. I can see no other explanation considering that everything you do, good or bad, can only be done by the will of Allah. If Allah does not allow it then it cannot happen.

Why did Allah make Khalid not want to resign? I really do not know but Islam says that Allah knows better so do not question Allah’s will. If Allah has willed it then Allah certainly knows why. We must never question the will of Allah because we can never know what Allah knows or wants.

I feel so much enlightened now that I understand what is going on in Selangor. Allah is behind what is going on in Selangor, as Dr Dzul said. I suppose Allah, too, was behind Pakatan Rakyat’s fall in Perak in 2009, the loss of Terengganu in 2004, the loss of Kedah in 2013, and much more.

Fascinating! Quite a politician this Allah is. Was Allah also behind the confiscation of the Bibles in Selangor? I do wonder!

Do you think Allah will make HRH the Sultan of Selangor reject Dr Wan Azizah? Hmm…it is going to be very interesting to see what Allah does on the 28th of this month when HRH returns to Malaysia. I doubt HRH will have any say in the matter. Allah will decide whether HRH accepts or rejects Dr Wan Azizah. So I suppose we will just have to accept whatever Allah wills on the 28th, as I am sure Dr Dzul will as well.

Talking about the 28th, the Chinese-owned news portals such as Malaysiakini, The Malaysian Insider, Malaysia Chronicle, and many more, have already started the Sultan-bashing orgy. The comments by readers plus postings in the social media are also the same.

Malaysia Today, too, has seen a spiralling of anti-Sultan comments, most which I do not bother to approve because they are just repetitions of many earlier comments. After not approving the Sultan-bashing comments, less than half eventually get posted.

Some Malays, too, have jumped onto the bandwagon so to be honest not all these comments are by the Chinese. Only about 90% are by the Chinese with the balance by Malays and Indians (funny, though, not much are by East Malaysians).

I suppose the Chinese are expecting HRH to reject Dr Wan Azizah so before HRH does they whack him first.

The day after HRH met Khalid Ibrahim and told him to stay on as Menteri Besar, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng issued statements demanding Khalid’s resignation. I wrote about that in an earlier article (READ HERE).

And then, wow! Hundreds of comments were posted below that article, mainly by Chinese readers who called me a racist. They accused me of inciting hatred towards the Chinese.

Inciting hatred towards the Chinese? There was no mention of Chinese in that article at all. Is DAP a Chinese party? I thought DAP is supposed to be a multi-racial party. It even fields Malays in the elections.

I was puzzled as to why hundreds of comments were posted accusing me of being a racist and of inciting hatred towards the Chinese when I criticised leaders of a multi-racial party that just happened to be Chinese. If they were Malays and Indians I would still have said what I said.

But then they did defy the Sultan by demanding Khalid’s resignation after the Sultan had told him to stay on. Is that not the truth? Did I lie? So why get upset when I write the truth? Should I not be writing the truth?

Then they accused Khalid of deceiving HRH the Sultan and of lying to HRH. Is this not an insult to HRH? Are they not insinuating that HRH is an idiot who can easily be deceived? They should not have insinuated that HRH does not have a brain and can easily be tricked, as if he is the village idiot.

Of course, as these people say, Malaysia is a democratic country that practices freedom of speech so they have every right to insult the Sultan and post nasty comments about HRH in the Chinese-owned news portals, Blogs, websites and so on. I cannot dispute that.

However, freedom of speech is for everyone, not just for the Chinese. I, too, have that same right to say what I want to say. When they say something nasty they call if freedom of speech. If we say something they do not like they call it racism.

What is wrong with these people? They set the rules and when we play by their rules they rant, rave, shout, scream and foam at the mouth like a mad dog. Real funny creatures these people are. I wonder whether they do the same thing in China.


