PAS members disagree Wan Azizah should be the sole candidate


(The Star) – There is dissent at the PAS grassroots level following Pakatan Rakyat’s decision to nominate Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the sole candidate for the Selangor mentri besar’s post.

Several members openly aired their disagreement and party lea­ders were now eyeing PAS’ 60th general assembly in Johor next month to quell the voices of dissatisfaction.

Outspoken PAS central committee member Dr Mohd Zuhdi Marzuki urged the party to reconsider its decision in a scathing Facebook post yesterday.

He said PAS had failed to defend its stand to include PKR deputy pre­sident Azmin Ali as the other choice.

“This unanimous decision can’t even be defended when facing PKR and DAP.

“At the least we could have informed PKR and DAP that we needed to refer (the) PR decision to nominate only Dr Wan Azizah back to PAS central committee. Can’t we at least do this?” Dr Mohd Zuhdi asked.

PAS Youth chief Suhaizan Kayat said Pakatan’s announcement did not go down well with some members following the party’s decision on Sunday.

“We can’t please everyone in the party and Pakatan’s announcement has become a problem with some of our grassroots members,” he told The Star yesterday.

“However, it is only a minimal problem which can be overcome through proper explanation and understanding,” Suhaizan added.

He said the Youth movement would use the general assembly to explain why Pakatan named Dr Wan Azizah to replace Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim who is under pressure to step down.

“I don’t see Pakatan’s decision as an issue at all,” he said.

“PAS may have supported Azmin as the second candidate but he vo­luntarily withdrew himself, in line with his party’s wishes.”

On Dr Mohd Zuhdi remarks, Suhaizan said: “I have spoken to Dr Mohd Zuhdi and told him to contact the party’s senior leaders to get a clearer picture of Pakatan’s decision.”

Acting PAS Ulama deputy chief Datuk Mahfodz Mohamed acknow­ledged that there were grouses within the party over Sunday’s decision.

“I knew people would be upset because we put forward two names for Pakatan leaders to deliberate on,” he said.

“However, their decision to nominate only one is beyond our control.”

He said party members would have to accept Pakatan’s decision because PAS was a part of the coalition.

Commenting on Dr Mohd Zuhdi’s unhappiness, Mahfodz said he should have voiced his views during the central committee meeting.

