‘I love Khalid, but I love Selangor more’


In the first place, why does Khalid need to listen to Anwar?

Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said he is still good friends with Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim and regards him as a member of his family. Anwar said he even held Khalid’s hand when he spoke to him. However, since Khalid would not listen to him, then he has to go.

This is beginning to sound like Shakespeare: Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.

That is yet another reason in a long list of reasons why Khalid has to go, starting with Dr Mahathir Mohamad is trying to oust Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak hence Khalid has to go—the reason given when the Kajang Move was initially mooted.

Then it was about Khalid’s Bank Islam loan and the water agreements with the federal government and the Kidex highway.

Later it changed to Khalid is not a team player and does things without consultation (which a DAP Exco member denied, as did the PAS Exco member who said that to get money from Khalid you need a proper working paper).

Later it was because Khalid is stingy and refuses to spend the RM3 billion the state has accumulated.

On Saturday, Dr Wan Azizah Ismail said it is because of rubbish and roads and, yesterday, Anwar said it is because Khalid does not listen to him.

In the first place, why does Khalid need to listen to Anwar? Anwar is supposed to be the economic adviser of Selangor but he is always flying all over the world. And let’s face it: Anwar has never been a great administrator even when he was a member of Dr Mahathir’s cabinet. Anwar is just not a hands-on man like Khalid is.

As for the rubbish and roads that Wan Azizah spoke about, is that not the job of Bandaran? And does Bandaran not have a Majlis that takes care of such matters? Why should the MB waste his time walking down every street and peeping into every dustbin to see whether the rubbish has been collected?

What next do you want Khalid to do? Should he also drive around looking for stray dogs and round them up and drag them to the pound?


