After The Dog-And-Pony Show Comes The Tiger Show

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

Except we don’t know who will be fucking who for the tired electorate to witness!  But we have an idea of whom this boring x-rated soap opera will star.

Let’s examine the cast.

1.  Pas will be fucking PKR and the stage will be in Pengkalan Kubor. I mean PKR cannot steal the two Selangor Pas ADUNs right from under their noses and use them against their much-revered Shura and get away with it scot-free. It will not tantamount to automatic divorcing of their wives as the two small players are pawns of a more sinister conspiracy.

But it’s not cricket to whine after you’ve been had.  So Pengkalan Kubor is a timely indirect tit for tat. Not that PKR would need much sabotage to lose the by-election but a threat for Pas to run there instead of the jaded PKR will send shivers down their spineless backs. In the end, PKR will run and lose with Pas to blame, like the last time they lost in 2013.

2.  Pakatan Rakyat will be fucking TG Haji Hadi for the untimely stabbing of the back of the loose coalition in inviting Azmin to crossover to form a unity government in Selangor. How anyone can mouth such a blasphemous and heinous crime to a sleazy character without being found out is  a measure of the sophistication of a politically naive Pas leadership.

How the three coalition partners can parley with each other again after this is interesting to see. It’s like  a man with two wives asking a potential third to elope with a dreaded fourth. Makes a merry household doesn’t it? Such is the scenario and would be laughable if it’s the Three Stooges slapstick.

3.  The ulamas will be fucking the Anwarinas. The smarter latter group is supposed to be providing intellectual support to the former, not hijack it’s agenda. But the Anwarinas will soon learn that Pas is still substantially a peasant-based party whose priority is the after-world. PKR is the party for you, minus the ex-Umno gravy train ride and the LBGT promotions.

4.  Azmin will be fucking Anwar. It is so obvious that Azmin is not considered family. He better finish him off and step up to the plate. Or else he will be finished. In the likely event that Azmin becomes Menteri Besar, stories are already being manufactured about Azmin’s deals with Najib, cooked by the pretenders.

5.  Azmin will be fucking Saifuddin and Rafizi and Datuk Johari Abdul and countless others who bet heavily, wrongly.  It’s Umno’s winner-takes-all scenario all over again! Saifuddin has been jobless after being marginalized in his Selangor job by Khalid. Rafizi’s star has been flickering since the ill-fated Kajang Move. And Johari’s substantially-Chinese constituency will see him off at the slightest misdemeanor.

6.  Anwar is fucked. Period. By Datuk Seri Wan Azizah for sure. The proverbial sofa for you tonight, ah….., better than the hard cold cement floor of Sungai Buloh. The best is, he played to the racist Chinese gallery by challenging the Palace. He knew he is going to lose but the Chinese fans’ votes are needed for Putrajaya. Even at the expense of his forefathers legacy to protect his descendants. He will pay big- time!

7.  Finally, the winner of the most fucked…..the Rakyat!  ix years of empty promises and all they get is the Dog And Pony show, mining pool water to drink, less-than-desired rubbish collection services, sand revenue that went the Umno-way, a huge surplus just because the money was not spent at what it is supposed to be for. And they dare promise again, and we will believe again because the alternative is rotten to the core!

And, yes, lest we forget, there will be more opportunities for the Hu Longs of Malaysia who took the previous opportunity to display their ignorance and racism to the the pride and satisfaction of many, unfortunately.

Switch to your normal porno portals. They display more class.

