DAP to PAS: Why don’t you join UMNO?


PAS might be better off declaring it wants to get out of Pakatan and to implement its Islamist agenda in Kelantan, says Ariff Sabri.

(Free Malaysia Today) – DAP MP, Arif Sabri Abdul Aziz today issued an ultimatum to PAS to either back the opposition coalition, or join Umno instead.

“If it thinks the way forward to govern Malaysia is by having political union with Umno , we must not stop them.

“PAS might be better off declaring it wants to get out of Pakatan and state that it wishes to implement its Islamist agenda in the state that it now controls, Kelantan.

“Then it can make Kelantan a showcase on the beauty of implementing ‘hudud’ and all other Islamist agenda,” he declared, in his blog entry this morning.

Arif however insisted that PAS will have the backing of Pakatan, but only if PAS is willing to work with the coalition.

“If PAS still prefer to work with Pakatan, all other Pakatan parties can support the PAS agenda,” he affirmed,

Speaking specifically regarding the recent turn of events in the Selangor MB saga, Arif said, “Before the Umno people pompously claimed that they would do anything to protect the institution of the monarchy, let me remind them, that thing we must protect is representative democracy.

“That should take precedence.”



