The Sultan said more than two names, not at least two names


The statement from HRH is in Bahasa Malaysia but so easy to understand. It said more than two names, not at least two names. More than two names mean at least three names.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor has expressed his unhappiness about the anti-palace remarks made by certain politicians that were damaging and hurtful and borders on sedition. The palace spokesman said HRH was hurt and offended by the continuous attacks by certain quarters.

“The palace has been quiet but people keep on making anti-palace remarks. The remarks are offensive. These people should read the state constitution and understand the palace’s convention, protocol and tradition before making any comments on the situation. Certain lawyers from political parties are hired to interpret things according to what the client wants,” said the spokesman.

In the recent statement issued by the palace, HRH said as provided under Articles LI (1), LIII (2)(a), (4) and LV (2)(a) of the Selangor State Constitution 1959, the Sultan of Selangor is given absolute discretionary power to appoint a mentri besar for the Selangor state government who, in the Ruler’s opinion, has the majority support of the State Legislative Assembly.

This means the Sultan and not Anwar Ibrahim decides who should be the Menteri Besar of Selangor. And Anwar had better get this through his head because he takes on the Sultan at his own peril.

Furthermore, the pro-opposition media is playing up the issue of the two names as candidates for Menteri Besar and said that while DAP and PKR, in defiance of HRH, will propose only one name, PAS, on the other hand, will propose two names.

What HRH commanded them to do (titah) was not to propose two names but to propose more than two names. That means at least three names or more.

The statement from HRH is in Bahasa Malaysia but so easy to understand. It said more than two names, not at least two names. More than two names mean at least three names.

Why can’t they understand such a simple command from HRH the Sultan of Selangor?

Hussein Adam

Dalbinger Singh

Ali Jalil

