Celebrities join solidarity gathering for Selangor Sultan


(The Rakyat Post) – The solidarity gathering today dubbed “Menjunjung Kasih ke Bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan Selangor” was not only attended by non-governmental organisations (NGO) and members of the public, but also attracted local celebrities.

Held at the Padang Kota Raja here earlier today, Malaysia’s Rock Queen Ella (pic) also graced the gathering along with singer Herman Tino and veteran actor Baharuddin Omar.

Like the rest of the attendees, they too voiced their concerns on the political instability currently plaguing Selangor.

Baharuddin, who took the stage to address the crowd, expressed his desire of seeing a Selangorian helm the state’s administration.

“We have given them a chance to lead Selangor, but they are behaving like colonisers. We give them an inch and they want a yard (bagi tanah nak muka),” Baharuddin said, referring to Pakatan Rakyat.

“The people of Selangor are showing solidarity in defending our state and we must support whatever decision that is made by the Sultan.”

Also sharing the same sentiments, Ella asked for the folks in Selangor to show allegiance to the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

“We must be loyal to the Sultan as stated in the principles of Rukun Negara,” she said, adding that people in the state should defend Selangor and stand behind the Sultan.

Meanwhile, Herman who is known for his song Mengapa Dikenang asked for relevant parties to consider quality in choosing a successor to current Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

“People of Selangor want someone who can lead this state well.”

At the gathering, 12 NGOs got together to show support and solidarity to the Sultan of Selangor in the midst of the ongoing Menteri Besar crisis.

The chairman of Aras, Abdul Rahim Abdul Wahab in his speech said, the NGO chose to gather to show its support for the Sultan and the royal institution.

“We want those who are rude and greedy not to be given any more chances in the state,” he said, adding that regardless of political parties, people in Selangor did not want parties to make a mockery of politics in the state simply because they were power hungry.

He added the gathering would be continued to show support for the decision that the Sultan would make on Sept 3.

The Sultan had earlier given a Sept 3 deadline to the three parties under Pakatan Rakyat, PAS, DAP and PKR to submit at least two names from each party to be considered as the next Selangor Menteri Besar.

