Bad judgment by cops in arresting anti-crime volunteers, say shocked groups


(TMI) – Any unregistered society could function as long it was not a threat to national security, public order and morality. 

Civil society and lawyers expressed shock over the high-handedness of the police in arresting Penang’s Voluntary Patrol Unit (PPS) members shortly after their participation in a state-level Merdeka celebration today.

They said the untimely act at a patriotic event was a bad judgement that put the Federal law enforcement agency in a negative light.

They said the incident occurred due to strained Federal government-state relationship and citizens became the victims.

Lawyers For Liberty executive director Eric Paulsen (pic) said the mass arrests were a clear abuse of power by the police as it is seen to have been carried out only because the PPS was linked to the DAP-led Penang government.

“The people linked to the PPS have not committed any crime but on the other hand they worked to ensure the safety of the ordinary citizens and visitors to the state,” he said.

Paulsen said there was double standards practised when Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had even endorsed questionable organisations like Pekida and Tiga Line just because they were supportive of the government.

He also took a swipe at Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abdu Bakar for his lack of professionalism in applying the law fairly.

“Khalid has not changed for the better despite him being found liable by the High Court and the Court of Appeal recently for being responsible for the custodial death of A.Kugan in 2009 because he did not follow procedures,” he said.

Khalid, in that case, was specially pointed out for abusing his authority while in office.

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