My duty is to protect image of Islam, says Khalid Samad


(TMI) – He admitted that speaking out against Mais was not possibly the best career move for a PAS politician with but said his beliefs overrode this concern.

Khalid Samad is afraid.

First, the Shah Alam MP had incurred the wrath of the Sultan of Selangor after proposing that the powers of the Selangor Islamic Affairs Council (Mais) be curbed and then he was charged with sedition for his remarks.

“Of course, I am afraid. Of course, I am concerned how people will react and what they think of me,” the PAS central committee member told The Malaysian Insider at his office recently.

Although the risk of being disqualified as MP looms large, Khalid has vowed not to let it rattle him or his principles.

“I feel that my first responsibility is to make sure that we have a proper and more responsible representation of Islamic teachings. That is why I said what I said about Mais.”

Khalid said he was not speaking out against the royals, neither was he looking to pick a fight with the sultan.

“I want Mais to be a proper embodiment of Islamic values such that people can see Islam for what it is because these actions also will tarnish the image of the religion,” he said, referring to the seizure of Iban and Malay Bibles by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) in January.

He said that even if the religious authorities wanted to act on claims of proselytising among Muslims, which were forbidden, it should have done it in a manner in line with the principles of Islam.

“This includes respecting the Holy Books of others and their houses of worship as enshrined in the teachings of Islam.

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