Belakang Pusing Zahid


Ktemoc Konsiders

Zahid Hamidi has earlier said non-Malays were becoming increasingly arrogant, wakakaka and I have to grudgingly admit there is some truth there in-as-much as UMNO-ites have been arrogant for a long long long while.

Now in the face of UMNO’s non-Malay allies excoriating him for his racist remarks, he has back-pedaled furiously, claiming hisremarks on the non-Malays’ increasing arrogance were taken out of context, wakakaka.

Zahid seems to be making a habit of operating his big mouth before he engaged his brains.

Way back in 1998, Zahid was then UMNO Youth Chief and a very close ally of Manmanlai, where he served as the latter’s stalking horse in an UMNO internal power struggle.

Zahid did something rather silly in accusing the UMNO party president, PM Dr Mahathir, of corruption and cronyism in an apparent impatient move by the Mnamanlai faction in UMNO to nudge Dr M out for Brahma’s final ascendancy to the PM’s post.

But one without political pubic hair yet should not f**k around with the Grand Olde Man of Malaysian politics. When Dr M turned the table on Manmanlai and gang, giving them a taste of their own medicine (corruption and nepotism accusations) they were stunned by the reversal in fortune – the predators had become the preys, wakakaka.

It led to Manmanlai’s expulsion from the wonderful cosy comfy party, which in turn led to Zahid abandoning KD (Kapal Diraja) Pre-Reformasi like a rat would a sinking ship, wakakaka, where he then went super-bodek, knowing which side of the bread was kaya-ed.
Yessir, Zahid Hamidi’s superior survival skills wakakaka had him confessing to Daddy that Anwar was the bloke who instructed him to attack Daddy with allegations of cronyism and nepotism.

He finished his confessional with a flamboyant flourish by apologising to Daddy, acknowledging Daddy’s rebuke of him was as a father to son, wakakaka – for more read the New Straits Times of 19 June 1999.

Now, wasn’t that a case of Zahid operating his big mouth before he had engaged his brains, wakakaka.

Then a dozen years later, on 09 Nov 2010, Zahid stated in response to a question in Parliament that the low number of Chinese and Indian recruits in the military could be due to theChinese and Indians [being] ‘not patriotic enough’.

This talk about patriotism was from a man who couldn’t even be loyal to his party president, Dr M, and then in an amazing lightning fast belakang pusing, also showed his disloyalty to his mentor, Anwar Ibrahim. He sure had a nerve talking about patriotism.

When the DAP wanted to question him on his racist assertion about the alleged non-Malays’ lack of patriotism, he scooted out of the Dewan Rakyat to evade those questions. DAP’s Kulasegaran called the pseudo-patriot a coward wakakaka.

But true to his habit, Zahid made a half-hearted back-down, trying to spin his way out of his self created bigoted mess in much the same way as he had spun his way back into mainstream UMNO after deserting the Anwar Ibrahim camp.

Clever bloke, though thick skinned, he was undoubtedly a potential general in the art of tactical redeployment wakakaka. BTW, in military parlance, ‘tactical redeployment’ euphemistically means a f**king retreat, wakakaka.

So, apart from some Chinese and Indian ex-servicemen including a couple of generals blasting him for his stupid statement, Kulasegaran fired several rounds of HE (high explosive) artillery shells at him in the form of a motion in Parliament to deduct a symbolic but very indicting RM10 from Zahid’s pay. That forced Zahid to come out in girlish defence of his 1Malaysia credentials.


