Pakatan’s Press freedom


Life of Annie

I have friends who work as journalists for pro-Pakatan news portals such as Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider.

Most of them previously worked for the mainstream media which have been accused of being pro-BN.

These friends of mine actually believe that by joining the pro-Pakatan portals made them more partial journalists.

The fact that those portals are blatantly pro-Pakatan doesn’t seems to bother them at all.

Believing that they are now part of the “Free Media”, these friends of mine actually look down at their former colleagues still working for the mainstream media.

I actually don’t fully blame these guys for feeling that way as some of the mainstream media people are indeed irritatingly too pro-establishment in their attempt to further their career within their respective organizations by pleasing their undeniably pro-establishment bosses.

But still, for the people of the pro-Pakatan portals to claim themselves of having better integrity and independence than their friends in the mainstream media is laughable.

Do try to count the number of pro-Pakatan stories in Malaysiakini today and then compare with how many neutral political stories the portal has, if you want to know what I mean.

Let’s not even try to find any story which shed some nice light on the BN government.

Inculcating the belief that being pro-Pakatan is being righteous and progressive among Malaysian journalists was actually part of the Pakatan’s strategy to win the psychological battle against their BN rivals.

Pakatan have always project the image of themselves as championing freedom of the Press and expression.

Well, it was more or less the same reason why members of the Chinese media were also mostly supportive of Pakatan.

Of course their way of seeing things was a bit different – they believe that being pro-Pakatan will help their community overcome what the DAP’s propaganda touted as oppression of the Chinese by the BN government led by Umno (read Malays).

What they don’t seem to realize is that those who claim to champion freedom in order to attain power are the ones who will in the end suppress that freedom themselves once they actually have the power in their hand.

It’s already happening in the case of Pakatan.

This story, I intentionally sourced from the pro-Pakatan portal FMT so that pro-Pakatan readers of this blog will not accuse me of lying :


