Sedition Charge against Dr. Azmi Sharom


The Sedition Law violates the principles of freedom of speech and expression in the academia where academicians can freely express themselves in their respective field of study.

Progressive, University of Malaya

On September 16, 2011 Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Razak promised to repeal the Sedition Act 1948 in efforts to make Malaysia become the best democracy in the world. This is in line with his promise for Transformation towards a better Malaysia after taking over from former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

However, until today, we have yet to see the promise fulfilled as there have been many cases of Sedition charges going on and the law still stands as of today. The act is now deemed obsolete by the Malaysian Civil Society and is seen to be used to curb dissenting voices from the opposition camp in a series of selective prosecution.

This law originated from the time of the British rule and is even repelled in Britain itself. However as of today 2nd September 2014, the law still stands in Malaysia.

Progressive University of Malaya is disappointed that the one facing charges later today is none other than the university’s lecturer himself Associate Professor Dr Azmi Sharom. Such charges show that the authorities have no regard for academic freedom when an academician can be punished for commenting on an issue related to his field of study.

It must be informed that when the intention of the Government to repeal a particular legislation, it should no longer be used to prosecute anyone. Such prosecution is also in utter disregard of the intention of the Government of the Day.

Progressive UM will not stand idle when such injustice has befallen upon one who is very close to our hearts and we will stand united in solidarity together with Dr Azmi Sharom in this time of difficulty just like he did when one of our students was facing the same situation of being charged under the University Code of Conduct for participating in a protest a few years back.

The Sedition Law violates the principles of freedom of speech and expression in the academia where academicians can freely express themselves in their respective field of study. This is short from the standards set under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which states : “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.

This statement is not to show our discontent towards the persecution and prosecution towards Dr Azmi Sharom per se but also serves as a symbol of an uprising to come. We hope that all University of Malaya students can stand together in solidarity to support Dr Azmi Sharom in his Sedition charges.

Progressive UM will be launching a campaign to garner support for Dr Azmi Sharom as well as to participate in the movement to abolish the Sedition Act. We hope that fellow students alike can join us in arms to battle for a better Malaysia without the Sedition Act.


Vince Tan
Secretary General
University of Malaya
