One little, two little, three little…


For Pakatan Rakyat, it is a necessary move in the first step into turning Malaysia into a Republic: to clip the wings of the Monarchy and show them who the boss is.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Just a short word this morning before His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor announces his decision regarding the new Selangor Menteri Besar to replace Khalid Ibrahim who has sought the permission of HRH to resign.

Basically, it is about the numbers — one, two or three. Next, it will be about the suitability and qualifications of the candidates once the numbers are met.

So this is a two-stage exercise.

PKR and DAP will not be complying to the titah or royal command for more than two names or not less than three names and are giving only one name: that of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail.

PAS will also not be complying to the titah or royal command for more than two names or not less than three names and are giving only two names: that of Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and Azmin Ali.

So all three members of the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat, will be ignoring the titah.

This would mean only one of two things.

One: HRH the Sultan of Selangor will have to back down and admit defeat and agree to Dr Wan Azizah as the new Selangor MB.

Two: HRH the Sultan of Selangor can choose to do nothing and just sit and wait until he receives three letters — one each from PKR, DAP and PAS — giving the three names he has commanded.

It looks there is going to be no compromise in this matter and is going to be winner takes all. There will be no meeting in the middle.

For Pakatan Rakyat, it is a necessary move in the first step into turning Malaysia into a Republic: to clip the wings of the Monarchy and show them who the boss is.

For the Monarchy, it is a necessary move into defending whatever little prerogative the Monarchy still has in its role as one of the four branches of government.

What is going to happen now? Well, the one who blinks first loses.

