Selangor – the fight against foreign detractors


With Khir Toyo and Muhammad Muhammad Taib out of the picture, plus the re-branding of MCA, people of Selangor should ditch Pakatan Rakyat for their stupid politics and going against the palace.

Jeg Hui

Is it just me or those involved in destroying the good Khalid Ibrahim Selangor administration are not even Selangoreans, many are Singapore-born naturalized citizen of Malaysia?

The chief of this political fiasco is from Penang who lives in a “palace” many call Istana Segambut, Kuala Lumpur.

His wife that he forced everyone to accept as the new Menteri Besar was born in Singapore. Even the back-up candidate is Singapore-born.

His blue-eyed strategist boy, the Panda MP is from Terengganu.

The secretary general of PKR, the Batak knight who went against the Sultan of Selangor in his many press statements, defeated badly in a recent party poll where he couldn’t even pass the sacked Khalid Ibrahim’s numbers, was also born in Singapore, lived in Kedah, contested the Machang seat in Kelantan in which he lost last year. Kind of a loser. But brave.

Note: “Nasution” and “Seregar” are famous Batak names.

Do these people think that they are the United States of America that they can put their nose everywhere around other people’s business? Even if you are the United States of America, what gives you that right?

Well, this is why the Selangoreans need to teach these non-Selangoreans. I may be living overseas right now but when I voted last year, I fell under the Selangor constituency. I have lived most of my life in Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

We need to teach these people that we respect the Sultan of Selangor; that the Sultan has the final say in appointing the state Menteri Besar. PKR MB candidates are Singapore-born, naturalized citizens of Malaysia and by the Selangor Constitution, they do not even qualify. But the Sultan has the right to ignore this and appoint one of them after all but with this kind of attitude, do you really think the Sultan would listen to you? Orang luar yang kurang ajar.

When the Sultan decreed at least three names. You give at least three names. Not one name. Not your wife’s name with different ways of calling her. Not even two names. Three names.

Maybe it is a new agenda by PKR-DAP (PaKaR biaDAP as I would like to call them now) to push for the Republic State of Malaysia. So, if they win this tug-of-war, a republic state of Malaysia could be a reality. Are the Selangor people ready to accept this treason of the highest level?

Maybe it will be snap-polls in the end. But the Sultan could still remain adamant for another candidate rather than Wan Azizah but this is unlikely if Pakatan Rakyat tells the Selangor people Anwar Ibrahim’s wife will be the Menteri Besar in their campaign. That, if PAS agrees she would be the sole candidate. Back to square one. Like a loop in an actuarial algorithm.

If that happens, the Selangor people must be wise. We want progress. Khalid delivered this progress. Many stalled developments have resumed. I can name one – Paradigm Mall but I am sure there are many others. Selangor has changed for the better after only 6 years of Khalid’s administration. There are detractors, but he kept it under control, with the guidance of the Sultan as well.

With Khir Toyo and Muhammad Muhammad Taib out of the picture, plus the re-branding of MCA, people of Selangor should ditch Pakatan Rakyat for their stupid politics and going against the palace, let alone the rakyat of Selangor.
