Creating militants in our schools?


(MMO) – I doubt you can understand the Palestinian struggle just from a two-hour lecture and dressing up like fighters, jihadists and militants.

A few weeks ago, a Facebook posting caught my attention; it showed school children not wearing school uniforms or ordinary clothing but rather wearing garments more suitable for radical elements, fighters and Islamic State militants.

Normally I would look at this and move on but what captured my attention was that these photos were supposedly from an elite government boarding school in Malaysia.

Take a look at these photos which were sourced from the Shehab News Agency, a Palestinian News Agency through this link.

There is no indication as to when these photos were taken or when this function occurred. However, looking at the headbands, signs and placards being displayed (e.g. support Gaza), it is possible to consider that this event was carried out at the height of the Israeli incursion into and bombardment of the Palestinian Territories. School children not in school uniforms but wearing garments more suitable for radical elements, fighters and Islamic State militants.

Many awareness campaigns and solidarity events were conducted in Malaysia over the past months and it is possible that this event took place during that period.

The event allegedly took place in the Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) school in Langkawi. This can be verified by looking at the logo which is placed above the stage area of the hall.

Though the logo itself is not absolutely clear, it is evident that the logo is that of a MRSM school. A search for a photo of the dewan besar on the MRSM Lankawi’s official website ( revealed a hall with the exact layout and look, down to the placement of clocks, logo, air vents and projector screens. It is therefore possible to place this event as being held at MRSM Langkawi.

This is an alarming development.

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with holding solidarity and awareness events to express our dismay, outrage and support for the Palestinian people in their time of need. We have all been horrified by the on-going armed conflict and the images of broken bodies, death, destruction and devastation.

What I am alarmed about is that the teachers at this school, with the obvious consent of the pengetua, saw fit to educate their students through play acting and dressing up their kids in black, balaclavas and purdahs. Was this necessary?

To the teachers who came up with the idea, it may look like they are getting into the spirit of Hamas fighters. However, it also brings to mind images of radical militants, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi (remember him? In Iraq he started the trend of decapitating prisoners), members of Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah, and most recently, of beheadings.

It is a danger to romanticise armed struggle especially with young minds. Without proper education, awareness and most importantly, exposure to a lot more world events, these kids might not be able to tell the difference between rebel fighters, suicide bombers, armed extremists, jihadists and the many militants which now include those who have sworn allegiance to the Islamic State and have committed crimes in the name of Islam, a religion of peace.

It is hard enough for those of us working on these issues to distinguish who is who and who is fighting for what. To answer questions such as what is right and what is wrong, who are the good guys and who are the bad.

To young minds, they might all look, seem and sound the same. I doubt you can understand the Palestinian struggle just from a two-hour lecture and dressing up like fighters, jihadists and militants.

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