Nik Nazmi questions PAS for being fickle about Selangor MB candidate

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(The Malaysian Insider) – PKR Youth leader Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad tonight questioned ally PAS for its fickle-mindedness in naming candidates for the Selangor Menteri Besar post despite an earlier Pakatan Rakyat (PR) consensus.

He noted that PAS had finalised its decision on August 17 by naming PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and her deputy Azmin Ali for the job but the PR leadership council met the same day and had agreed on only submitting Dr Wan Azizah’s name.

“Why is there now a earlier letter acknowledged by the PAS secretary-general that three PAS leaders have been nominated?

“Why has the latest statement mentioning one PAS name and two from PKR been sent? Doesn’t this go against the agreement that the candidate for the Selangor Menteri Besar is a PKR state assemblyman,” Nik Nazmi asked in a statement issued in Petaling Jaya tonight.

The Selangor palace has asked the three allies in PR – PKR, PAS and DAP – to submit more than two candidates each by yesterday but PKR and DAP have stuck to Dr Wan Azizah as a replacement for Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

Nik Nazmi said there were a number of questions that have arisen from the statements made by PAS leaders after PR made its decision last month.

“Why doesn’t the PAS secretary-general want to confirm the candidates names that was sent? Are the names of the PKR candidates in the letter this time different from the PAS decision on August 17, 2014?” he asked.

The Selangor deputy speaker said it was important for Selangor citizens to get an immediate clarification to ensure all questions and doubts are answered.

Nik Nazmi was referring to a report in PAS’s online portal Harakahdaily today, which quoted PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali as saying that the party had given the names of three candidates after the palace had asked for more than two names.

“So we sent more than two names,” he said while stating the names were sent yesterday.

