Selangor MB crisis: Leave PAS and form new party if you wish, Hadi tells disgruntled members

Nik Aziz-Hadi

(The Star) – PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said any PAS member can leave the party and form a new one if they wanted to.

“The formation of new parties is a normal thing in a Parliamentary democracy. So those within PAS who have differing views and feel they want to start a new party are welcome to do so,” he said during a ceramah in Terengganu, which was uploaded on YouTube.

“It is best if they leave and make a new party, senang (easier). There is no need for them to stay,” he said.

On Friday, it was speculated that the Islamic party could break up after those dissatisfied with PAS’ recent actions over the Selangor MB issue joined Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia (Pasma).

The body is believed to have more than 100 members, including prominent PAS leaders, allegedly set up by those aligned to PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

The group was registered with the Registrar of Societies in Kedah on Aug 11, and former Kedah PAS deputy commissioner Datuk Phahrolrazi Zawawi named as its president.

On Sept 4, it was reported that Hadi had submitted a letter to the Selangor Sultan, nominating three names for the post of Mentri Besar following Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s sacking from PKR.

PAS has not revealed any of the candidates’ names.

