Mahathir thinks Malays are a dishonest bunch


After spending 22 years trying to change the Malay mindset, Mahathir says they are still dishonest, lazy and lack integrity.

(Free Malaysia Today) – In a no holds barred message at a book launch, former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said he found it hard to trust Malays because they lacked a sense of honesty and integrity.

Mahathir said, “Malays think nothing of taking money that is not theirs. I have seen it with my own eyes. They also struggle to manage their finances well or with any degree of honesty.”

He added, ”If you take something that does not belong to you, what you are doing in essence, is stealing.”

He said some Malays had the bad attitude of pinching money from their bosses and thinking nothing of it simply because what the boss didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt him.

Mahathir related how his own mother instilled in him the principle of never taking what was not his.

“I can only hope the people have the presence of mind to put honesty and integrity before all else in their lives as well,” he said.

Mahathir also said he was saddened at his apparent failure to change the Malay mindset despite trying to do so for 22 years as the nation’s premier.


