Edmund Bon investigated for sedition

Edmund Bon

(The Star) – Human rights lawyer Edmund Bon is reportedly being investigated under the Sedition Act over an article published on an online news portal.

When contacted, Bon confirmed that he is being investigated over an article on Islam and the royal institution.

In a series of tweets, Bon announced that he was informed of the investigation via his law firm, Bon Advocates, on Friday.

“Bon Advocates just got a call from ASP Zaidi Rahman, Penang that I am being investigated for sedition re this (the article),” he tweeted.

He added that he will cooperate with police and will be meeting them when he returns to Malaysia for a statement to be taken.

It is understood that Bon is currently in Bangkok, attending the International Internet Law and Practice Workshop.

Bon also tweeted that lawyer Amer Hamzah will be representing him.

