Selangor MB crisis: Only Sultan can decide, says Hadi

Hadi Awang

(The Star) – PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said that he did not have any right to decide on who should be picked as the next Selangor Mentri Besar, The Star media group’s Bahasa Malaysia portal, mStar Onlinereported.

It quoted Hadi as saying that only Selangor Ruler Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah could make a decision on the post and therefore the issue that he wanted Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to remain as mentri besar did not arise.

Hadi said that PAS had sent in three names to the palace and left the appointment to the Selangor Sultan.

“The right to pick the next mentri besar is not mine but Tuanku Sultan.

“PAS sent in three names, the other parties I do not know. The Selangor Sultan will decide,” he told reporters after a ceramah during campaigning for the Pengkalan Kubor by-election on Saturday night.

PKR Youth chief Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad had in a statement on Saturday said that Hadi wanted Khalid to be retained in his post.

Nik Nazmi, together with PAS youth chief Suhaizan Kaiat and DAP Socialist Youth (Dapsy) chief Teo Kok Seong, met Hadi on Friday, the first in a series of discussions with Pakatan Rakyat component party leaders to improve relations within the coalition and find a solution to the Selangor mentri besar crisis.

Hadi, however, brushed aside Nik Nazmi’s statement.

“I just came back from Jakarta, I haven’t seen the newspapers yet,” he said. Hadi was also unsure about his meeting with Nik Nazmi.

“Yesterday (Friday) there was a ceramah… many people met with me, from PAS, I met journalists and also had an interview with Harakah.

“Many people, maybe Nik Nazmi was one of them,” he said.

