Syed Hamid Albar: an Arab hypocrite


So Syed Hamid can take that book of his and shove it up where the sun does not shine. And we have to be very careful of Malays or Muslims who pass themselves off as descendants of Prophet Muhammad and who write books regarding Islam when what they do is not what they say or not what they write in those books of theirs.


Raja Petra Kamarudin


Syed Hamid bin Syed Jaafar Albar just launched his book called Wasatiyyah Dalam Al-Quran dan Sunnah.

This is the first time I have heard of the word ‘wasatiyyah’ and it seems this is what it means:

Pendekatan Wasatiyyah adalah berlandaskan ajaran sebenar Islam dalam setiap perkara yang dilakukan dan berjaya membawa kesan positif kepada negara.


I am not too sure how to translate that sentence into English. Nevertheless, it really does not matter because whatever that means I am sure Syed Hamid is not sincere or honest about what he wrote in that book anyway.

Syed Hamid was the Home Minister who detained me without trial back in September 2008.

When the Shah Alam High Court declared my detention illegal and ordered the government to release me, Syed Hamid appealed that decision and tried to get a higher court, the Federal Court, to reverse the lower court’s decision.

When Syed Hamid realised we were going to put up a fight and it was not going to be so easy after all he abandoned the appeal and signed a new detention order.

I was told about it on a Thursday so the next day I made plans to leave the country. On Saturday I left the country and on Monday they went to my house to detain me but by then I was already in Thailand.

They waited outside my house for three days before giving up, not realising they had missed me by about 36 hours.

Syed Hamid

So you see, Syed Hamid is a fake Muslim. He probably is a real Arab but that does not impress me one bit because not all Arabs have the virtues of a Prophet.

In Islam one cannot be punished for a crime one has not committed and neither can one be punished for a crime one may be planning to commit but have not committed yet. Furthermore, one cannot be punished unless one is proven to have committed a crime and when in doubt the benefit of the doubt must be given to the accused.

In fact, Islam says you will receive pahala (reward or merit) if you plan to do a good deed and will again receive pahala when you finally do that good deed.

However, you will not receive dosa (sin) for thinking of doing the wrong thing and will receive dosa only when you actually carry out that wrong deed.

Hence Islam does not punish you for thinking of doing wrong but when you think of doing good Islam rewards you even if nothing happens in the end.

And what does Syed Hamid do? He punishes me without the benefit of a trial in a court of law. And when I take my case to court the court agrees that I am a victim of an illegal detention.

So Syed Hamid can take that book of his and shove it up where the sun does not shine. And we have to be very careful of Malays or Muslims who pass themselves off as descendants of Prophet Muhammad and who write books regarding Islam when what they do is not what they say or not what they write in those books of theirs.

Oh, and did I tell you about the sand-mining scandal that Syed Hamid’s family was involved in which upset the late Sultan of Johor?

