Ex-DAP members form new party


The People’s Alternative Party says it is an alternative multi-racial party that will act as a constructive people-oriented third force.

Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today

A group of former DAP leaders and members have formed a new party, People’s Alternative Party (PAP), which they said would provide Malaysians with an “alternative multi-racial party.”

The party’s pro-tem president, former DAP vice-chairman Zulkifli Mohd Noor, said PAP would be a centric liberal democratic political movement.

He called on all 68 independent candidates who contested in last year’s general election to join the party.

He claimed that PAP would act as a “constructive people-orientated” third force and provide checks and balances in a system currently dominated by Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat.

He said PAP would uphold the Federal Constitution, the sovereignty of the Malay Rulers, the rule of law, Malay and non-Malay rights, equality, fairness, unity and liberty, including press freedom.

He said PAP was not a “mosquito party” and, anticipating charges that it might have had the blessings of Umno, dismissed any notion that the party was sponsored by “certain quarters.”

He claimed that some members had even pawned jewellery items to provide funds for the new party.

“We are independent and would praise and criticise anyone based on issues,” Zulkfili told a press conference here. “We are not with any party on the left side or right side.

“We will fight against any wrongdoings and back the truth. We want to provide the people a real choice with an alternative multi-racial voice.

“There is a real need for a third force in the country today. We will be a formidable political force for the people.”


