Activist Adam Adli gets one year jail after convicted of sedition


(MMO) – The Sessions Court today found activist Adam Adli Abdul Halim guilty of sedition and sentenced him to one year in jail for a speech last year in which he is said to have called for a change of government through undemocratic means.

Adam was charged on May 23 for his May 13 remarks allegedly inciting the public to overthrow the government through street protests during a forum shortly after the May 5 general election which saw Barisan Nasional retain power narrowly.

The offence under Section 4 (1)(b) of the Sedition Act 1948 carries a maximum jail term of three years or a fine of up to RM5,000 or both.

Adam and five others – politicians Chua Tian Chang, Tamrin Ghafar and activists Hishamuddin Rais, Haris Ibrahim and Muhammad Safwan Anang – were charged last year with sedition over remarks uttered at the same forum.

On Sept 5, Safwan was sentenced to 10 months imprisonm

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