Hadi slams ‘brokers and pimp’


(The Star) – PAS president Da­­tuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang launched a scathing attack against his Pakatan Rakyat allies and slammed two of his own assemblymen for betrayal before the curtain fell on the party’s general assembly here.

Hadi, who seemed to be in an uncompromising mood, told the 2,100 delegates that PAS was forced to intervene in the Selangor mentri besar crisis to uphold Islamic principles, adding that the party had no interest in the post.

“We are not hungry for the post although we have more seats than PKR in the state assembly,” he said, referring to the 15 held by PAS and 13 by PKR.

He said that “brokers and pimps” were used to entice the two PAS elected representatives to sign a statutory declaration supporting PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the sole nominee for the post.

The two PAS assemblymen, who signed the declaration, along with representatives from the DAP and PKR, were Saari Sungib (Hulu Kelang) and Hasnul Baharuddin (Morib).

“They could not get what they wanted, so they stole our assemblymen; they bought them. There were brokers and there were also pimps,” he said to thunderous applause and shouts of Allah hu akhbar!.

The PAS president said the statutory declaration they signed in support of Dr Wan Azizah was nothing compared to the sumpah baiah (oath of loyalty) to PAS that they took.

“Did they not take the pledge? Which one is important? The baiah or the SD?” asked Hadi, to more shouts of Allah hu akbar.

He said DAP and PKR should not ride on PAS for short-cuts to political gains.

“Do not use us as a hotel to have your meals and stay comfortably and then leave, or use us as a bridge to cross the river before disappearing into the forest,” he said.

Hadi also said that he was forced to intervene in the mentri besar crisis to prevent PAS from being “dragged into hell”.

“Whoever appoints an individual based merely on inclinations and not on qualifications, Allah would not forgive such an act and would condemn that party to hell,” he said.

“I do not want to drag PAS and our members to hell,” he said, adding that the matter should not be viewed lightly as it was a responsibility entrusted by Allah.

The two parties had been at loggerheads with Hadi lately over the mentri besar issue as he had submitted a list of three names in adhering to a decree by Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

The PKR and DAP submitted the name of PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as their sole nominee for the post.

In an immediate response to Hadi’s speech, Selangor PAS secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman urged Saari and Hasnul to repent and seek forgiveness from the party leadership.

“We also want them to retract their SDs,” he said.

