Of SDs and Anwar’s ‘truths’ (Epiteph IV)

umar mukhtar

Move a motion of no confidence against HRH’s choice in the open DUN. Use the 30 votes of those who had statutorily declared their preference for your candidate to frustrate HRH.

Umar Mukhtar

Running around like headless chickens, PKR’s secretary-general and its strategic adviser keep issuing media statements that their majority-supported president remains their party’s sole candidate for the post of Menteri Besar.

Oblivious to fact that they are beginning to sound like broken records, these little errand boys are merely doing their master’s bidding to distract the public from the real issues at hand with self-righteous edicts that the ADUN with the most declared-support should be the only candidate for HRH’s appointment, and that is the ultimate proof of the people’s supremacy in a constitutional monarchy.

How convenient. After obtaining 30 statutory declarations, all that is needed is a royal dhobi-mark to make the appointment official! The high cost of the SDs is not how much anybody was paid but what they cost Pakatan Rakyat’s solidarity. To Anwar, anything that procedurally diverts from this is an attempt to subjugate the people’s will!

If Anwar had his way, no mortal shall apply his mind as to the integrity of this statutory declaration racket. Maybe that’s why we have a constitutional monarch. He is not under any pressure. He can choose to accept it or he may choose to ignore it as part of his royal discretion. There is no mortal danger of royal adventurism because there is always this democratic safeguard called The Vote of No Confidence to correct the situation for the people, should the ‘wrong’ person be appointed MB.

After all that is said and done, and whomever HRH chose to appoint within the law, the ball is now in Anwar’s court. Move a motion of no confidence against HRH’s choice in the open DUN. Use the 30 votes of those who had statutorily declared their preference for your candidate to frustrate HRH. It’s not rocket science.

In the Perak crisis, DAP did not move this motion when the DUN returned to normal session. They knew they would lose. It is that lump in their throats that’s pushing them to urge Anwar to carry on the way he does. Unlike DAP, Anwar who is supremely confident of his ‘truth’ and had his boys drum that fact into our ears everyday. Unlike DAP, do it then.

Then we will see if confidence is intrinsically earned or extrinsically imposed under the influence of ketum (pun intended).

Otherwise, forever hold your peace. Please.

