The Lazy Malay and the unlazy others

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The government is the master, he the slave. The government is a deity to be worshiped, feared and obeyed absolutely.

Sakmongkol AK47

Dr Mahathir says the Malays are lazy. He says he has failed. After a lifetime trying to correct the Malay character, since the days he wrote his Malay Dilemma, the Dr is a frustrated man.  Either the Malay is irredeemable or the Dr has the wrong prescriptions.

The Malay is lazy compared with whom? There must be a measure. Because Dr Mahathir is ashamed of the Chinese, then by extension, the Malay is lazy when compared to the Chinese.

If so, why are the Chinese not lazy and the Malay lazy?  To me these is not due to some innate cultural characteristics and allow me to say it directly here at once- it’s due to the refusal of the Chinese to allow others dictate their destiny other than themselves. The Malays on the other hand have resigned to the fact; their destiny is shaped by others- notably the government.

Before UMNO, the Malays were as they were because centuries of living under feudal rule have shaped their childlike dependence. When UMNO came, the mental bondage wasn’t eliminated but reinforced by neo feudalism which UMNO practises.

The Malays must now start believing that they are given this inalienable right to define their own lives, that responsibility over the wellbeing rests with themselves first and not defined by an extraneous entity like the government. He is free to pursue his own personal interest without being prevented by others; he plays his part in contributing to society’s wellbeing voluntarily. He looks after himself, his family and does his bit for society.

I see the Chinese in Sunga Klau, Sunga Ruan not shirking from communal interests. They collect donations and the better off contribute generously to religious and social causes. But more important, they undertook to look out after themselves first.

This looking out after themselves is probably shaped by their own acknowledgement that it’s difficult to obtain help from a Malay dominated government and this induces the Chinese to look at creative and even defiant ways; but I also think, looking out after one’s own interests is also shaped by personal code of conduct. No one owes you a living but you yourself.

So as to Dr Mahathir’s opinion that Malays are lazy, many Malays will not believe that. The Chinese may also reject this notion. Sure I have seen Malays being instructed repeatedly by the Chinese mandor over a particular job, but that is not to say the Malay is lazy. He is less skilled.

There are of course a great number of layabouts and loafers. They are like that because they have no application. Talent is wasted if there is no application.

Application. The first politician I heard using this word was Lee Kuan Yew. Having all the necessary social and productive skill sets- you require application. If application is hindered, the person becomes a dud.

I have been thinking what is it that hinders the Malay from applying his potential? Since Dr Mahathir is comparing the Malay to the Chinese, I would like to offer my thoughts on this.

What’s holding back the Malay? It would easier if we can lump it all into the concept of culture. That would require a more scientific exposition, not possible in a blog like this. We have to be more specific.

The hindrance to application is personal inhibition. The Chinese does no attach much significance to authority it seems. The Malay operates on a different mental plane.

The Malay, after years living under the feudal system is what he is today because of that. He is inhibited. He has the glass window, the invisible bar that defines him within a narrower space. That space in the past was defined by the feudal system of government and now, by the system of neo feudalism which UMNO has continued. UMNO really does not want to liberate the Malay mind fearing, their power will be challenged.

That space to me is defined ultimately by the government and so it is ultimately the government that is responsible for moulding the Malay mind. The concept of government to the Malay is that of an imposing benign master, deity-like to be obeyed at all times. That allows the government to create a child-like dependence on the government and its leaders.

The path to a more complete application is therefore I  think a break from the dependence. UMNO actually does not want to liberate the Malay except on its terms. On its terms means without forgetting the dependence and debt to UMNO. UMNO is actually looking out after its own interests first, the interests of its own leaders then the Malays.  And by looking after the Malays I don’t mean taking after them for 25 hours- taking care of the Malays means  to free them and allow them personal space.

His more complete stepping out of the boxed space is inhibited by UMNO that has not liberated the Malay mind and because of that he is inhibited. Of all the characteristics that prevent the Malay his full application is meekness which translates into irrational subservience to the government. In the 1970s, when UMNO produced the book Revolusi Mental- they encouraged Malays to be more arrogant and defiant in attitude. Perhaps that is what they need most of all. A defiant and rebellious attitude.

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