Anwar to be probed for sedition, claims Surendran


(The Star) – Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is to be probed for sedition by police for a speech he delivered three years ago, claims his lawyer.

According to PKR vice-president N. Surendran, police are due to question the Opposition leader regarding a speech he gave during a ceramah at Gombak in 2011.

“I remember the police had questioned the newly-appointed Selangor Mentri Besar Azmin Ali in 2011, who also spoke at the ceramah, for sedition.

“However, the police did not question Anwar at that time,” said Surendran, who is also Padang Serai MP, when contacted.

He added that Ampang police would be taking Anwar’s statement at the PKR headquarters at around 3pm Friday.

