Over to new MB – water issue and Kidex


(The Star) – Azmin has been a vocal critic of his predecessor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s handling of the state’s water supply restructuring exercise.

All eyes are now on how Azmin Ali will tackle two “hot” issues in Selangor – water supply and the controversial Kidex highway project.

Azmin has been a vocal critic of his predecessor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim’s handling of the state’s water supply restructuring exercise, so the question is: what will his policy be now that it has become his responsibility?

Khalid signed an agreement on Sept 13 to complete the restructuring process with the setting up of a new entity, Air Selangor Sdn Bhd, which will take over the operations of treatment plants and supply services.

Water experts said that despite the agreement, Azmin could still wield substantial influence over the deal as well as the Pahang-Selangor Raw Water Transfer project, as the state still had authority over key matters.

“We are concerned that he may have different views on the restructuring, which could result in further delays,” said Fomca deputy secretary-general Foon Weng Lian.

Selangor residents and businesses are also worried. The water level at the Sungai Selangor dam, for example, is still hovering at about 33%, which Foon said was low.

Foon said Azmin should publicise details of the water agreement so that the people could judge for themselves whether the deal was good for the state.

As for the proposed Kinrara-Damansara Expressway (Kidex), which some residents are strongly opposed to, “Say No to Kidex” committee member Mak Khuin Weng said Azmin had been quoted as saying that the project was against the Pakatan Rakyat manifesto.

“There appeared to be a problem with how the state government gave its approval in principle to the project. We, therefore, hope that Azmin can either scrap or seek for the project to be re-evaluated in a more transparent manner,” he said.
