Analysts: PAS will continue losing middle Malaysia if it continues to lean right


(MMO) – PAS is already losing ground among middle Malaysia as the Islamist party grows more religiously conservative but it can reverse the decline if its leaders correct its course, analysts have said.

Prof James Chin said PAS has already lost support from middle Malaysia, adding that the party “will lose a lot of votes among non-Malays in urban areas” in the next general elections.

“Good news for PAS is that it can be regained if Mat Sabu or similar leaders replace Hadi as PAS president,” the Monash University Malaysia academic told Malay Mail Online in an email reply.

PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu or Mat Sabu is known for his moderate stance and is popular with non-Muslim voters, while party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang has strong backing from the more conservative religious leaders or ulamas within the party.

Dr Lim Teck Ghee said PAS would also suffer lower support in its two traditional strongholds Kelantan and Terengganu ― with the party still ruling the former state after an uninterrupted rule of over two decades.

“No doubt in my mind that this is happening right now ― loss of support from middle Malaysia. It will remain a political force in Kelantan and Terengganu but even in these states, it will go into decline,” the Centre for Policy Initiatives director told Malay Mail Online in an email interview.

Lim suggested that the conservative outlook of PAS leaders could even push it to quit the federal opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and join its Malay-based rival Umno in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition.

“It may however try to ride on the coat tails of a revitalised Umno, and even seek membership in Barisan once again, claiming that its religious and conservative agenda is more secure in BN. That possibility ― however remote ― cannot be discounted especially if Nik Aziz is not around to oppose it,” he said, referring to PAS spiritual advisor Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat.

With PAS primarily drawing its support from Malay and Muslim voters, Lim also said: “If leadership of the party which is in the hands of conservative and out of touch religious leaders remains unchanged and unyielding in their demand for an Islamic state, the party can never expect to come to power on its own.”

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