Anwar wants Azmin out


The PKR supremo is laying the groundwork for a vote of no confidence.

Roslan Bistamam, FMT

The talk in social media is that Anwar Ibrahim had planned for Azmin Ali to be appointed the Selangor MB all along and that Wan Azizah Ismail’s nomination was merely to camouflage his real intentions.

That is probably wishful thinking on the part of the Pakatan Rakyat supporters in denial mode, who cannot accept the fact that Anwar failed to get his way with the palace.

Anwar is raising hell and is screaming at all and sundry regarding Azmin’s appointment. He really thought the palace would back down and just could not believe it when the Sultan appointed Azmin. While he was worried that this may happen, he did not really think it would.

What angered Anwar even more was the fact that Azmin did not even wait for the letter from the palace to arrive. He sent his man over to the palace to collect the letter in case something happened to it along the way.

Azmin did not put it past Anwar to hijack that letter.

Azmin needs to be ousted. There are no two ways about it. But Azmin cannot be ousted the way Khalid Ibrahim was. The public will not accept yet another Kajang Move type of crisis.

So Azmin will need to be removed by a vote of no confidence in the Selangor State Assembly. And to do that Anwar needs to first lay the groundwork.

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