MP takes a swipe at ‘stupid Malays’


Ariff Sabri blames politicians in power for the shortcomings of the Malays.

(Free Malaysia Today) –  Raub MP Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz today made a stinging attack against Malays who get offended by proposals for a review of the constitutional rules on the appointment and removal of a menteri besar.

“Some people must be really stupid,” he writes in his latest blog posting.

“They are more interested in defending that which does not exist, such as the institution of absolute monarchy.

“The majority of Malays do not want a return to the old days. We Malays have made that choice a long time ago.”

Ariff questions the reasoning of those who cite “Malay supremacy” for their opposition to constitutional reform.

“What supremacy?” he asks. “Malays are lagging behind in almost everything and this is the direct result of the governance, the leadership, the policies of the current government.”

He blames politicians in power for the Malays’ lack of progress.

“We must never accept the explanations given by the Umno politicians,” he says.

“The Malay is poorer, he is behind in education, training and skills, he has less capital, he stays in cheaper houses because of policies carried out by the politicians in power.”


