PAS man likens DAP to Singapore’s PAP over Penang councillor’s suspension

nasrudin hassan tantawi

(Malay Mail Online) – The DAP is adopting tactics used by Singapore’s PAP in silencing dissent, a PAS leader alleged today after one of the Islamist party’s councillors was suspended the Penang Island Municipal Council (MPPP).

Calling the “axing” of Iszuree Ibrahim from three permanent committees yesterday a drastic move, PAS central committee member Nasrudin Hassan claimed the decision smacked of a vendetta against the Islamist party’s representative.

“It appears the DAP’s action of late takes after the style and approach of the PAP in Singapore, which it to ‘react’ swiftly to critics by using the power they have, including applying pressure and suing the critics.

“I view this as among measures to terrify and cow critics and those wishing to comment,” Nasrudin said in a statement today.

The former PAS Youth chief also provided a link to a website chronicling the lawsuits taken by the Singapore ruling party against opponents, although it is unclear how he associated the legal actions to the suspension of the PAS councillor.

Today, Nasrudin also took aim at PAS deputy president Mohammad Sabu and Parit Buntar MP Datuk Mujahid Yusof Rawa over Iszuree’s suspension, saying they should take responsibility for his speech by virtue of their position as state PAS commissioner and deputy commissioner, respectively.

“I am made to understand that the speech on the issue was vetted by [Mujahid]. By right, the Penang chapter of PAS should defend Iszuree who has been maligned by the DAP,” Nasrudin added.

Last night, the Penang Island Municipal Council dropped PAS councillor Izsuree from three permanent committees, believed to be over a news report categorising him as comparing the Pakatan Rakyat government’s policies to that of its Barisan Nasional (BN) predecessor.

It also froze all allocations accorded to him as councillor.

The letter itself did not specify the reason for the action against him, but Izsuree earlier ran into trouble with the state council over a news report that quoted him as saying the PR administration’s housing policies was similar to those implemented by BN during the Islamist party’s assembly last week.

On September 19, Malaysiakini published an article headlined “PAS delegate says Penang pro-developer, like BN” in which it quoted Iszuree as saying the DAP state government was adopting BN’s pro-developer policies at the expense of the people.

Iszuree denied the report, and accused Malaysiakini of “twisting” the meaning of his speech.

