Why now’s the time to beat the sh*t out of Pakatan!


Hazlan Zakaria, The Ant Daily

I have been getting some flak, of late, for my Pakatan Rakyat-bashing ways, but to me that is precisely the point. For now is the perfect time for those who want to see a better Malaysia to whack the sh*t out of the opposition pact while they are still not yet in power.

Yes, they do seem like a viable alternative to the Barisan Nasional (BN) for now and it behooves all those who want to throw the ruling coalition parties out on their behinds to support the opposition pact but let us be prudent and not support them blindly.

It would be too late to try and tell them what they are doing is wrong once their backsides are firmly entrenched in the seats of power. For once, they are too comfortable, the suction of the throne may nullify all good sense and mindfulness.

The reason why is perhaps exemplified by the big unflinching behemoth that is the BN, a monstrosity that suffers no questions nor criticism of itself.

An entity that treats most criticism as falsehood and legitimate dissent as seditious offence.

How did the BN become this way?

Decades of rule where it has managed to mostly silence dissent and pay no heed to criticism of its wastrel and wayward ways.

With dedicated NGO groupies and yes-men minion cult willing to lay down their lives and fight to the death helping to inflate their master’s ego and assuage their own sense of self-worth, giving the uncompromising high horsed BN idol-like status.

Pakatan must have brave responsible supporters who will call a spade a spade and not be afraid to correct them when they are wrong, not have hand-kissing worshippers like BN.

Blindly supporting Pakatan and allowing them to do what’s not kosher just for partisan reasons will not change Malaysia truly for the better but just exchange one tyrant for another.

Instead of a BN monster, we may then see a Pakatan “raksaksa” instead.

This is why it is important for the country to rid itself of restrictive legislations like the Sedition Act that can be used to persecute legitimate democratic dissent.

Just as much as it is important to ensure the independence and freedom of the press, so that the fourth estate can truly serve its role to inform the citizenry and point out issues with the powers that be which are of public interest.

And since Pakatan has vowed to be accountable and transparent and claim to support the call to abolish the Sedition Act and to cry for freedom of the press, they too should be open to criticisms and not act punitively like BN when faced with media or public censure.

In the end, all politicians should be working for us and will be paid by public coffers for their salaries and perks when in office, so it should be the rule that they listen to the people who voted them in and are paying their salary.

It’s time politicians in Malaysia look at what happened in Ukraine and Pakistan, when angry citizens threw a Ukrainian MP physically into a dustbin for not living up to their expectations and Pakistani passengers ejecting two politicians off a plane for delaying their flight.

Why, there’s nothing to prevent us, Malaysians who care for the nation and who are fed up and disgusted with the uncouth behaviour of some of our politicians, to act in similar fashion.

