In response to Kadir Jasin

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Iskandar Mohamad

Recently, Kadir Jasin penned his thoughts in his blog regarding the Prime Minister of Malaysia. This post is my response to each numbered point to what he shared. Anyone is free to comment as long as they follow standard requirements.

1. Irrelevant. The public is not interested in frivolous pleasantries of social etiquette.

2. What Cedet chooses to write to the PM is strictly private. His view is only representative of himself and matter no more because his time is over. He had his reign and the baton is now with PM Najib. Let it go.

3. If indeed that meeting happened:

a. Name the bloggers.

b. How many people saw Cedet to complain? Figures please.

c. Give numbers and details.

d. Do not ride on past glories and make sweeping statements.

4. Encik Kadir, Fie Fie Foe Fum! I smell rebellion, resentment and rage in your propositions! You should advise those people to join UMNO and to have dialogues instead of hypothesising, stirring, and fanning the winds of hatred.

5. If indeed there was no response from PM, there are other avenues of communication. Have you heard of the telephone, whatsapp, viber or even a courtesy call to Putrajaya?

6. Please name the intermediary. Time, date and message details as well!

7. This is a highly prejudiced and subjective statement which divides the nation Cedet ‘lovingly’ developed. Why go against the grain to destroy what he built? Hatred? Jealousy? Hidden agenda?

8. What talks? When? As a journalist, you should know the principle of substantiating your statements with solid evidence. Justify instead of nullifying what PM is doing!

9. Why are you stirring shit to antagonise the younger ones to rebel? Moral? Upright? You tell us! What you are saying goes against norms and values of society and religion.

10. You lost the plot, Kadir. Mahathir spoiled the Malays because he wanted them to do what he told them to do. Now he is not in control, he is throwing a temper tantrum and stamping his feet because we are no longer interested in him. It is the now that matters, get it???

11. Kadir Jasin, respect is earned, not demanded! Is Mahathir now repenting of his colourful past and mending his ways by asking people to be holier than who he used to be? How could we ever forget that wonderful heritage of the gravy train he left behind? Are you being used by your cronies to demand more cos their gravy train ran dry because PM Najib walketh not the way you or your master walked?

13. Boy oh boy. Classic case of pot calling the kettle black. Musa personal? Kadir is very personal and of course, Mahathir is super ultimate max infinitely personal!!!!!

14. 1MDB? You can only name ONE big project to hantam? I would need secretaries and Dictaphones to notate the plundering and wonderful destruction that went on during your glorious pirate years!

And now you are obviously plotting for a comeback via your pathetic minions.

15. Kadir and Mahathir…(nice rhyme ya?) Have you forgotten Tenaga and Ani Arope? Go figure.

16. Khazanah? Of course you must coat your pet with honey. You use, abuse and then make refuse of whatever pleases you or serves you no more. It is always about you, yourself, your family, your pride…gosh the list is too long!!!

17. Kadir…what you wrote in #17 is reminiscent of Mahathir’s crocodile tears. Wanna be a play right? I think it suits you better cos you are dramatising for the sake of empty theatrics!

18. Why throw red herrings about Anwar and Ghafar Baba at #18? Running out of ideas? Senility setting in?

19. Note. Mahathir and his ilk and that includes you, Kadir, are only trusted by brainless and greedy serfs. Don’t tell us silly tales about why Mahathir chose Badawi. You may be losing your marbles but not us. We can still think. Even the Economist has criticised Mahathir on his choice so go figure what a deficient argument you have carved most ridiculously.

20. You are really losing it, Kadir. Reading #1 to #20 clearly gives a vivid impression this was written in at least 4 sittings over teh tarik, tea, maybe even dinner while you reminisced with your beloved Lord and Master who commands you to write anything at his bidding and at his time.

21. Clearly, you have an axe to grind about Musa. Tell you what – go bowling to let off your steam rather than boring us with your half-baked recycled and overused arguments about your pet peeves.

And dear dear Kadir…tsk tsk tsk…major grammatical error there. It gives me great pleasure to tell you it should be:

Had Musa been a bit more PATIENT….not ‘patience’ like what you wrote.

Patient= adjective

Patience= noun

Get it?

Whoops…hope your master will not reprimand you. Now you should run along and jaga cucu instead of shaming yourself publicly this way

22.  Dear Kadir Jasin, do not live in the past..especially if you view it with distorted lenses. It will affect your vision of everything before you…now and forever. Let it go.

23. You seem to have forgotten the 1988 constitutional crisis Mahathir created with destroyed the judiciary. Why are you deliberately mum on that?

24. Kadir Jasin, please! Check out the latest statistics. See…I told you earlier not live in the past!! Update and upgrade!

25. Your argument re the relationship between the economy and housing is not only laughable but reeks of your complete ignorance! It is a shocking how you have an innate ability to spin.

26. Jumping from one point to another just to nit pick on your enemies shows up your readiness to compromise quality writing for the sake of $$$. Worth it? Can you sleep tonight, Kadir?

27. Hello! Knock, knock n knocking harder on Kadir and Mahathir’s memory. Ops Lalang. Remember? I rest my case

28. You can never achieve happiness until your master is happy. Bottom line is this. Regardless of your efforts …he will never be happy unless he rules the world. And Malaysia is his mini-world for now he can see no further than his nose grumbling like a bear with sore head about issues that he himself created and expects people to clean the mess he left behind. Fair?

29. Who spoiled Malaysians? Who gave out handouts so readily that people are not ready to work but expect to be spoon-fed? Why are so many unwilling to work hard and because of an ingrained sense of entitlement encouraged and developed by Mahathir to make people worship the ground he walked? Those days are over!

30. It is unbelievable you can preach about education when Mahathir himself destroyed the education system via his nationalist policy changes which in reality, robbed Malaysians of the ability to think, to analyse and to innovate.

If you had been born 15 years later, do you think you can write the way you do albeit with errors here and there? Go ask Mahathir!!! So, don’t you dare moralise here and strut around so arrogantly! Who single-handedly destroyed a beautiful country?

Your master, of course!!!!

And who is trying his best to build this nation again? Who,  despite all the flak, brickbats, conspiracies and criticisms carries on regardless?

His name, my dear Kadir Jasin, is Dato Najib Razak.

Remember that all the days of your life!

