Anwar seeking redemption

umar mukhtar

Umar Mukhtar

After the months of unnecessary theatrics, Anwar now claims that a deep scrutiny of all the agreements signed by Khalid will reveal why Khalid has to go. Anwar knows who the beneficiaries are and that the Rakyat are the end losers.That was why he acted the way he did and this sort of justifies the Kajang Move.

First, he could have done this months ago and save us all the pain of the Kajang Move. Second, we know he had an agenda that was not truly concerned with the rakyat’s interests, and only revert to this only when it is obvious that his main objective has failed.

In any case, notwithstanding the above, please do so. We do want to know.

But please do so with concrete proof and not innuendos. Proof that can alert the MACC and will hold up in court of law. Just because some people benefit from whatever agreement Khalid signed do not per se makes Khalid a crook. Tell us how as custodian of the Rakyat’s trust, he participated to manipulate the situation to our disadvantage. Tell us how undue influence was used by him or on him.

And tell us why after knowing all the facts, you did not act on it then. All it needed was a police report, preferably lodged by you. Tell us why that only if your wife is the Menteri Besar can this matter be exposed. Tell us, because you made it sound as if it is the main reason you orchestrated this mayhem.

Maybe you could live with it if you had had your way. And only when you failed at your bigger agenda that you bring this up as an afterthought.

You cannot blame us for being skeptical about whatever you say now. We remember September 16. We remember your promise to show proof that your MPs who deserted you received millions from Barisan Nasional. Nothing. Nothing after a promise at the Party’s congress crowd to do just that. Do not think that we have short memories.

Anyway, all the best with this promise this time. Otherwise, you should just shut up, okay. We have a new MB who will do what is necessary without your interference. May the fear of God be in those racketeers or may you forever be silent.

