Discrimination, Prejudice Or Sabotage At KLIA2?


Just because KLIA2 serves LCCs therefore passengers of KLIA2 are definitely inferior? 

M Rezaul Karim, Concerned Bangladeshi

Since the opening of KLIA2 in May 2014, Immigration Officers at the terminal have been indiscriminately declining entry to nationals from South Asian countries, particularly those from Bangladesh arriving via Malindo Air.

Complaints have been received by many Bangladeshi businessmen with valid travel documents that they have been stopped by Immigration Officers upon disembarking from the aircraft at the exit of the aerobridge walkway without rhyme or reason asking for their Travel Documents and holding them back from proceeding to the Immigration Counter.

As the passengers clear the area those that are withheld are then told that they are Not Allowed Entry or NTL with no reasons given whatsoever. If any, the response will be a curt “I have the authority to deny you entry!” response from the Immigration Officers.

What is disturbing about this is the manner in which it is carried out. Initially it appeared that they were targeting Bangladeshis who appear to be “manpower” related i.e. suspicious of the intention of passengers coming into Malaysia notwithstanding they carry a valid Visa issued by the High Commission of Malaysia in Dhaka. However, after almost 5 months of operations, it is now apparent that even Businessmen, Professionals and even Families on holiday are stopped and arbitrarily NTL with no rhyme or reason.

It begs to question the actions of these Immigration Officers – is it done out of discrimination, prejudice or an act of sabotage? Undoubtedly there is a need to manage migrant workers coming into Malaysia. However it is unacceptable to treat visitors coming into Malaysia with prejudice – not all Bangladeshis coming to Malaysia are manpower related. Bangladeshis account for the second highest if not the highest number of Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) participants. Unknown to many in Malaysia, Bangladesh is enjoying unprecedented economic growth hence there is fast growing middle class outbound tourism.

The most unusual about this is – passengers NTL by KLIA2 Immigration Officers are allowed into Malaysia by Immigration Officers at KLIA! Are there double standards compounded with prejudice – just because KLIA2 serves LCCs therefore passengers of KLIA2 are definitely inferior? We have also received many reports about comments made by Immigration Officers at KLIA2 to NTL passengers who have been previously allowed entry into Malaysia without any impediment that they should “ use another airline…”.

As a Community Leader, I have received many complaints which I have disregarded as in good faith believe that Immigration Officers at KLIA2 are new having previously served at the LCCT. However, this matter has taken a very serious turn. I have been made to understand that this matter has been brought up to the attention of the higher authorities of the Immigration Department of Malaysia but the situation has not changed – if anything it has worsened.

Is this an act of sabotage as well? Are there elements of corrupt practices that are unseen to the affected people? I urge the relevant authorities to investigate this matter further as I intend to bring this to the media in Bangladesh and the rest of South Asia if the situation does not improve.

