Stop kicking a deflated ball, Azmin


The MB should stop attacking Khalid and get on with the job of governing Selangor.

Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today

Azmin Ali will mark his first 100 days as Selangor Menteri Besar this New Year’s Eve. So we can expect news agencies and portals to run reviews of his performance in the job.

And what are they going to say?

Azmin has wasted 10% of that time attacking ex-MB Khalid Ibrahim. What can he gain from his continuous assault on someone who is no longer in office? It only leaves the impression that he is not a magnanimous person.

Even when the Japanese surrendered at the end of WWII, the British accorded them proper respect, never mind how vicious they were when they occupied South East Asia. The British saluted the surrendering Japanese instead of treating them the way they treated the people they conquered.

The British could have just lined them all up against a wall and machine gunned these war criminals—the way Islamic State is doing in Syria and Iraq—and no one would have blamed them one bit. But the British did not do this because it is just not cricket, as the English would say.

After Musa Hitam resigned as Deputy Prime Minister, he too was subjected to continuous attacks. He told his adversaries not to kick a deflated ball (bola yang kempis). “The ball will not go far and you will only hurt your foot.”

For all intents and purposes, Khalid is a bola yang kempis. So why continue to kick him, Azmin? You have only 90 days to reach your 100-day mark. That is too short a time to do the many things you need to do.

If I were Azmin, I would have thrown Khalid an official farewell party and invited all the senior Selangor civil servants as well. I would first of all have gone to meet Khalid to make known my intention and seek his blessing and get confirmation that he would attend.

Would it not have been great and historic if Azmin shook Khalid’s hand in front of 500 guests and the next day get down to running the state instead of wasting so much time planning the attacks on Khalid?

The anger against Khalid did not come about because he mismanaged the state or made a deal on his Bank Islam loan or entered into a water agreement unfavourable to Selangor. It was provoked by his refusal to resign when asked to.


