DAP, sexism and selective memory


K.S. Lee

Much press has been given to DAP’s denunciation of the sexist attacks on its women recruits namely Dyana Sofea; Syefura Othman, better known as Rara; and Jamila Rahim, also known as Melati as “offensive, distasteful and disrespectful” and rightfully so.

All three DAP women have spoken out against such sexist attacks forcefully. Rara denounced the attacks as degrading all women, and as an attempt to dissuade women from being involved in politics, particularly from joining Opposition parties.

DAP’s National Legal Bureau Chairperson, Gobind Singh Deo, has lodged a complaint with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). He highlighted two articles particularly pinpointed two articles as having contravened the  Communications and Multimedia  Act of 1998. The two offensive articles attributed to were “Melati better off being a prostitute” which appeared in MyKMU.net and “DAP dan politik Onani” in Free Malaysia Today.

Gobind has said DAP, true to form, is considering suing the parties responsible for defamation.

Most notably, Gobind intends to bring up this issue to bring up the matter of women’s rights and their role in politics in the next parliament sitting.

Well and good, DAP, Gobind Singh Deo, Dyana Sofea, Rara and Jamila Rahim aka Melati, sexism is certainly not to be countenanced. Most Malaysians are of the same view.

But just a word of caution! Are you not forgetting what has been happening in your back yard?

Not long ago, when Rara joined DAP there was an article in DAP’’s official Malay publication “Roketkini” where she was described as “awek cun”. Rara did you not find it offensive then to be called a “hot chick”? It looked like a cheap publicity stunt on the part of DAP to display its new wares.

Exploitation of the looks and the feminity of its young women members is not new to DAP. They were guilty of the same sexist behaviour when Sofea Dyana was introduced as the DAP candidate for Teluk Intan. Women’s groups like Empower admonished DAP for the emphasis on Dyana’s looks.

Such sexist behaviour towards your own members. When DAP as a party does not respect its own women members, can it expect others to?

Did not Lim Guan Eng call the Penang Opposition Leader, Datuk Jahara Hamid, as “a racist grandmother”. What unbecoming and sexist behaviour for a Chief Minister? He has shown scant respect for Datuk Jahara Hamid  as leader of the Opposition, a woman politician, and a grandmother. In our society age is respected so are women. But the Chief Minister of Penang obviously does not! What example is he setting for the citizens of Penang, particularly the children and the younger generation.

Run that by us again Gobind. Did you say “We are Malaysians and we respect our women and I hope appropriate actions are taken.”

Certainly, appropriate action must be taken. First against DAP.

