Funny that cops are looking for Alvin, but RPK still not found?

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Ng Kee Seng, The Ant Daily

We sure have a very strange and “funny” Inspector-General of Police (IGP) in Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar.

He talks big, insulting the intelligence of Malaysians and the rest of the world.

The Malay Mail Online in a report titled “We will hunt you down every ‘wormhole’, IGP tells fugitive sex blogger”.

Khalid vowed to search every “wormhole” for Alvin Tan Jye Yee until the wanted Malaysian sex blogger is found, saying the youth’s repeated insults against the authorities on social media is “unforgivable”.

Khalid reminded Tan (Alvin), who is now reportedly seeking asylum in the United States to escape Umno, that “every country has its own rules”.

“We will hunt him (Tan) even down the ‘lubang cacing’ (wormhole),” Khalid was quoted saying in Malay daily Utusan Malaysia.

“He (Tan) thinks he can run. However every country has its rule and we will even track him down every wormhole.

“There is no forgiveness for those who use the social media to insult and incite,” the IGP added.

Tan, the fugitive Malaysian blogger slapped with multiple charges over his now-defunct sex blog and controversial Hari Raya greeting involving pork dish “bak kut teh”, resurfaced in the cyberspace recently, saying that he is now seeking political asylum in the US.

The ball actually started rolling when theantdaily lured him to surface in cyberspace in three articles beginning with “Alvin Tan, face the consequences of your actions like a man” (Aug 28). Alvin posted a small comment and theantdaily followed up with another articled “Has Alvin Tan of Alvivi finally surfaced?” (Sept 22).

Theantdaily’s follow-up nudged Alvin to post even more details about his possible whereabouts and what’s he up to.

This gave theantdaily a third article titled “I am Alvin Tan – former sex blogger, present ‘political refugee’ and future US citizen” (Sept 23).

The rest they say is history, with the media churning out more reports after theantdaily attracted some 60,000 unique reads for the story.

Back to the IGP, it is really mindboggling what his big talk about wanting to hunt down Alvin wherever he is, is about.

Does Khalid really think Malaysians and the rest of the world believe the police do not know where Alvin is?

There is still a travel document called “passport”. Unless Alvin is travelling and using a fake passport with a fake name, there is no reason why Alvin’s movement cannot be tracked.

So, Alvin is wanted by Malaysian police for committing sedition and jumping bail? Have we also forgotten Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) of the Malaysia-Today fame?

Didn’t RPK also jump bail for a sedition charge, just like Alvin? And Khalid and his men also don’t know the whereabouts of RPK after so, so many years?

Aren’t Malaysians puzzled about their police force’s efficiency or are they just plain ignorant?

