DAP, PKR waiting to finish off Hadi, claims former minister


(The Rakyat Post) – Former Information Minister Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin said PAS was digging its own grave with the tahaluf siyasi (political cooperation) concept.

In a blog post today, Zainuddin claimed both PKR and DAP — PAS’ allies in Pakatan Rakyat — were awaiting opportunities to finish off the Islamist party’s president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

PAS, the former Utusan Malaysia group editor said, was already “badly wounded”.

The party, Zainuddin said, was so weak that the implementation of hudud and Islamic state were nothing, but mere rhetoric which had saddened and angered PAS’ supporters.

“PKR and DAP are just waiting for him to make a mistake and if necessary, they will make bold moves instead of working together under tahaluf siyasi.”

Earlier, Zainuddin wrote that PAS made a big mistake in turning to PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the person who would help them defeat Umno.

Instead, the party he claimed, was manipulated by Anwar who was kicked out of Umno because of his own personal mess.

Abdul Hadi, Zainuddin said, had hoped to create a welfare state that was corruption-free and trustworthy through tahaluf siyasi.

“Instead, PAS collaborated in the removal of a clean government in Selangor and is working with leaders of dubious character,” he said, referring to the removal of former Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

He added Abdul Hadi had gambled and lost by surrounding himself with Anwarinas — a term used to describe Pas leaders aligned with Anwar — instead of “progressive” Muslim scholars such as former PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan.

