Khalid Samad Clears The Air On Oktoberfest


“The fact is before this, no one knew about Oktoberfest. Muslims started to know about it after ISMA made it popular.”

(Malaysian Digest) – PAS Central Committee Member, Khalid Samad has cleared the air regarding the controversy surrounding his comments on Oktoberfest. His remarks which were published on ISMAweb recently had created uproar from conservative groups in the country including from PAS itself.

Writing in his blog, Khalid feels that many of his critics did not properly read his comments on the ISMA website and instead chose to make conclusions based on the title of the interview. “They are too lazy to read and understand but are too compelled to criticize. Especially when they see that I am the one making those comments. They have no understanding of what is said and just comment freely. Some even said that I support (the festival) and said ‘congratulations’ ” the MP for Shah Alam wrote.

He also denies claims that his view of a multi-racial state is similar to that of Umno’s. “For Umno, the definition of a multi-definition state is that Islamic principals are not applicable for use. My definition for a multi-racial state is that it needs to addressed according to the principals of Islam.” With that Khalid points out that according to the principals of Islam, non-muslims have the right to live peacefully under an Islamic ruling. “Their rights cannot be violated, and this includes their religion. Whatever they are allowed to eat and drink by their religion should be continued to be allowed. If something is considered ‘haram’ for Muslims but is ‘halal’ in their religion, they cannot be stopped from taking them. This includes beer and wine,” he added.

His critics have also slammed his statements on the ground of ‘ketuanan Islam’ (Islamic supremacy), ‘Islam berkuasa’ (Islamic authority), and ‘Islam agama persekutuan’ (Islam is the nation’s official religion). “I suggest that if you want to follow the Islamic path, then you must follow the Islamic Principals. Follow the principals, not your emotions,” he wrote. “Islam guarantees this freedom towards non-muslims under its rule; this is the greatness of Islam. This proves that Islam can indeed rule a multi-racial society.”

Critics have also argued that if non-Muslims were allowed to hold festivals like these, then what happens if they want to hold sex and porno festivals after this? Will that allowed too? “I want to ask, is there any religion that allows free sex and porno? To my knowledge there aren’t any. For atheists, well they cannot say ‘my religion allows it’, “Khalid stressed.

Khalid also denied allegations that there are billboard ads for the Oktoberfest in Shah Alam. MBSA has publicly stated that they have not approved any sort of billboards.  “The fact is before this, no one knew about Oktoberfest. It is said to have been held in Subang on 20 September. Did anyone no? Or did anyone attend? We didn’t know because it was not advertised in the newspapers or in Islam-majority areas,” Khalid pointed out. “Muslims started to know about it after ISMA made it popular.”

