Lawyer denies making death threat against Bung Mokhtar


(The Sun Daily) – PKR legal bureau chief Latheefa Koya said allegations that she made a death threat against Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin are false and mischievous

Latheefa said she will not hesitate to take legal action against people who will not stop spreading the falsehood and that her Twitter post, which critics said is a death threat against the Umno MP, must not be construed as such.

“I wish to state that at no point did I ever make such a threat to Bung Mokhtar and my tweet cannot be construed as a death threat by any stretch of imagination,” she said in a statement today.

Latheefa tweeted on Tuesday that before the Sedition Act is abolished, it’s better to “hapuskan” Bung Mokhtar first.

Bung Mokhtar responded immediately by saying she made a threat against his life and urged the police to investigate the threat.

He added that he will make a police report against her should she fail to apologise within 24 hours.

Umno members have since lodged police reports against Latheefa, which she said is an effort to intimidate her and pressure the police to take action even though there is no offence.

“Precious police resources to fight real crime must not be wasted on petty politically motivated actions by certain people,” she said.
